Who is that person you think about now, years later?

  1. Anyone who was meaningful to my life and who is now dead gets thought from me now and then. Revisiting my memories of them is comforting.

  2. My very surly, very strict high school art teacher. He was the only adult in my life who realised I was struggling, who listened and was non judgemental, who guided me on the right path when I was lost.

    Thank you Mr. T, for being my very unlikely guardian angel.

  3. A lady who had cancer, she would come into the liquor store I worked at from time to time. She stopped me to say that I have such a kind soul and then she said, “Do you know how I know? The eyes are the window to the soul”. That was the last time I ever saw her, but I think about it often. I can picture her smile even now as I write this. She had the best energy I’d ever been around in my life, so light and comforting. I will never forget that moment.

  4. I dont think about him a lot but today I thought about my highschool bully. I remembered him and looked for him on instagram just to block him lol.

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