Curious of an outsiders perspective, who are the 3 most famous British Prime Ministers?

  1. Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher come to mind. I know of most of the others that have been PM in my lifetime (Johnson, May, Cameron, Brown, Blair) but I don’t think I would consider them as big as Churchill and Thatcher.

  2. Tony Blair

    Margaret Thatcher

    Winston Churchill


    (Answering this without reading the comments but I’m going to assume this is what everyone will say 😂)

  3. I would think 50 year old + such as I am would say Thatcher because she was close to Reagan. Blair as he was close to Bush and Bozo er Boris as he was close to Trump.

    Chamberlain and Churchill for the history buffs.

    I wanna say there was John Major in there somewhere

  4. Among Americans of my generation: Churchill, Thatcher and Blair. Many would also be familiar with Neville Chamberlain for Munich.

    Other ones that stick out in my mind, but most people not into history wouldn’t know much about: Lloyd George and Clement Atlee.

  5. Leaving aside the fellow who just left, probably Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, and Benjamin Disraeli, in that order.

  6. Churchill, Lloyd George, Disraeli. Honorable mention to Gladstone just for the number of times he held the job.

  7. Churchill



    Now answer me this. Why has no one ever seen James May and Theresa May at the same time?

  8. Churchhill


    [Insert the current one here]

    Those three are the ones that Americans are most likely to be aware of.

  9. Since all the other answers have probably answered your question already, I’ll spice it up a bit.

    Here are my 3 favorite PMs as a student of history:

    Henry John Temple (Lord Palmerston)

    Benjamin Disraeli

    Arthur Balfour

  10. Margaret Thatcher, Regan’s mirror across the pond.

    Winston Churchill because…duh.

    Tony Blair, he was the first prime minister I knew of outside the former two because he was around for so long.

  11. Churchill, Thatcher, and Blair most likely. Other contenders for the third slot would be the recent PMs (Cameron, Johnson, May, Truss) just due to recency bias, Chamberlain, and Disraeli.

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