If you knew you were dying three years from today what would u do

  1. Buy a shit ton of life insurance, quit work, travel and live it up on credit cards, and make sure my heirs inherit enough to pay off my exorbitant debt and have plenty leftover.

  2. Quit my job, cash out all my retirement accounts, sell my house, and spend the next 3 years traveling (and taking various friends and family members with me on each trip)

  3. Probably the same thing I do every day, to be honest.

    I find the most happiness in little moments, and it’s doubled if it’s natural.

  4. I’d kill myself as quick as possible. I don’t really have anything too meaningful to stay for that would make me want to live out those 3 years. Sure my family would be sad and traumatised, but they’d get over it a long time after I sent my final text message.

    If I were to live another 3 years, I may gain something I never want to lose, which would make my death even more painful to me and other people.

  5. – Crime to obtain enough money to live on. Probably some kind of fraud but who knows.

    – Massive life insurance policy.

    – Quit Job.

    – Hike the Appalachian Trail with my girlfriend, propose at Klingmans Dome. Get married at Khatadin. Travel to Petra for our honeymoon.

    – Spend the last few couple years with my family having adventures every minute we’re free.

    – Make videos for my now wife, my nephew, and my close family for all the important milestones.

    – Make sure my wife has a good therapist for processing her grief

    – Kiss everyone goodbye, then go take out as many corrupt politicians and child predators as I can in 48 hrs before dying in a hail of gunfire.

  6. Sell my tiny biz, buy a camera and learn film making and then release the film before i die.

  7. Oh, then I would retire tomorrow. If I’ve only got 3 years left, Ive already got plenty to retire now.

    Quit the job, cash out the 401K and start making some really questionable life choices, I mean why be careful, I’ll be dead soon anyways. 🤣

  8. Start smoking again, drinking, partying, do drugs, sleep with random women, and go fishing every chance I get.

  9. Commit so many atrocious crimes against humanity that world peace is achieved purely in order to stop me.

    Anyone wanna help?

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