I actually don’t know how to feel, I am not sad or angry.

Ever since highschool we were friends(now 5-6 years), our only common friend turned out to be a narcissistic asshole so we both distanced ourselves with him. Due to me moving up to another city we rarely saw each other irl.

We were talking about an anime’s second season and suddenly she said (best translation I could do)

“/-my nickname- If you don’t misunderstand me I want to end our friendship

/I have no reason at all, I hope you will understand me

/I am sorry that this is so sudden

/Take care of yourself”

And I said something along the lines (not direct translation) “I wish you told me the reason because “no reason” does not sits well with me. Anyway, you were a good person, take care of yourself”

I honestly don’t know what I should feel and I don’t think if I am asking something. I just need to vent and something to keep me busy.

  1. Update, she responded a while ago saying “Like I said there is no reason, thanks for your understanding”

    The thing I hate more is how I don’t feel anything other than being surprised, why am I not sad? or angry? I am not trying to biased I swear if I did something bad I would have understand but this, I don’t know.

  2. I’ve had that happen to me before too. If they can’t be bothered to give you an explanation, there’s something wrong with them, not you.

  3. If she can’t be bothered to explain something like this, don’t be bothered by her absence. Like you can feel sad for a bit but don’t let her live rent free in your head

  4. The “no reason” is the friend equivalent to “it’s not you, it me.” This person decided that you were no longer compatible, they want to go in a different direction.

    Mourn the breakup for a little while. You’ll know when it’s time to move on from the sadness.

  5. If this had happened to me, I would worry if my friend is feeling ok and if she actually wants to talk. But I don’t know your friendship so idk

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