Nothing bad is going on, I [19M] just recently started going out with a guy [18M] a few weeks ago and have been losing a significant amount of sleep just thinking about him. I’m not worrying about him or anything, just thinking about him in general. Is there anything I can do to get better rest and stop thinking about him so much? Or will it just come naturally with time? Thanks!

TL;DR can’t sleep because I can’t stop thinking about him

  1. I don’t have much for advice but that’s honestly really sweet.

    Maybe try listening to something to distract you while falling asleep, like sleep with me podcast.

  2. This is so funny and sweet 😂🥹 My brain often obsesses over things right when I try to sleep and I just have to force myself to think of something unimportant. If that doesn’t work I fall asleep to music or tv.

  3. It’s best to hang out with them as much as possible so it mellows out now if you don’t mind I have a appointment with a chair, ceiling fan and a rope.

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