Men, how does one go about making consistent, positive change?

  1. Start small and be proud of the small victories. Don’t get ahead of yourself and start fresh every. Don’t beat yourself up if you miss something. Get back to it the next day or the next week.

  2. Create a plan or goal and work towards it with a time frame, getting a life coach or mentor can help.

  3. Start exercising. It is good for productivity and health. Then start doing the stuff you need to do to improve

  4. habits are easier to form than creating discipline out of thin air. if you get yourself used to a routine, it’s easier to stick to it.

    taking days off is fine. missing a day or two with whatever you’re working on is okay. take time for yourself. the important part is the week by week aspect, that you know you’re still on track.

  5. A goals list.

    Write down 10 goals. Goals to improve your life. Not, beat the next level in a video game.

    Easiest to achieve is number one. Ten a difficult but not too time consuming. Work to check off each goal in order.

    Then ten more goals. Each one focusing on a better life. Increasing in difficulty and reward.

    Keep going for life.

  6. Start with making your bed, putting your shoes in the same sport, brushing your teeth, cleaning as you go. And always remember you’re a fucking man, as a man you have to do what you have to do so get the fuck up and do it.

  7. The only consistent thing is change. Mankind cannot be consistent and change cannot be consistently positive

  8. One day at a time. It’s hard to notice for yourself, but I guarantee you that the changes will be noticeable to those around you.

  9. It’s about consistency…and the long term plan is to every year be a better version of yourself compared to last year

  10. “No time like the present”

    If you want drastic results, there’s no better way to start than actually doing what you want to do. If you need to work up to it, do it bit by bit. Just go for a run, even if you’re out of breath 3 minutes in. So long as you can run for 4 minutes tomorrow or the day after.

  11. Identify your goals. Never waste a day. Always have a schedule 7 days a week. Tick off as you go and don’t go to sleep until everything’s done for the day

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