Hi everyone. I’m struggling pretty bad right now. Me and my ex broke up last week and we have been together for 5 years. She has lost trust with me because I haven’t been communicative or truthful to her about some little things that I just wanted to figure out myself. Examples; 500$ in credit card debt, spending money foolishly. Just dumb little things. She wants me to move out and give her space and I told her I could prove myself and gain her trust back but I don’t know how I can do that if I’m not physically with her. She states that I need to move out and that I can prove myself in other ways other than showing her physically together. Any suggestions on how I can prove myself to gain her trust back and show her I will be truthful about everything over technology? Should I give her space or keep trying? Thank you.

TL;DR: girlfriend has lost trust with me and I don’t know how to gain it back not physically.

  1. Pay off your debt and stop lying to her. Make an effort into planning a date or activity for you to do together.

    If she wants space, give it to her. If this is going to work she’ll probably want you back living with her soon.

  2. Honestly, that is YOUR money. She has no right to be pissed off about your choices, that is YOUR business, not hers.

    However, you having lied to her, that’s where it is her business. A relationship is built on trust, and having lied to her, well yeah of course she has every right to be pissed at you for it. It just screamsat that point for her… “What else has he lied to me about?!”, even if that was the only time.

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