I met a girl a couple of months ago on hinge. We live in different cities (not too far apart) so our courting has mainly been done over the phone. We have been on a couple of dates whenever I go up to her city. The first date went really well and we hit it off on the phone after getting into quite deep things like values, what we want from our future/career.

Things were going really well up until our second date the other week. On the date, I was visibly more nervous than the first we had, the conversation was there and flowing but my overthinking got the best of me and I tended to not talk confidently. We ended the date with a kiss on the cheek and I asked her if she wanted to do another which she enthusiastically replied back with Yes. I think that date overall wasn’t too bad and not enough to put me in the friend zone.

Ever since that date though I feel like she is slowly drifting away. I text her and her responses are slow as in every 2 days but when she does reply they are enthusiastic. I offered to take her for a hike which she was keen but our availability won’t match up for another few weeks. I hit her up with another message about something we could do at a closer time and I’ve kinda been left on read since then. To make things a bit worse a friend of mine matched with her on hinge the other day so I know she’s talking to other guys. Not sure what I should do in this situation?

1 comment
  1. When I was in the Military a common rite of passage was those events where some fella received his “Dear John”. Much was made of how indecent, immature and unfaithful said girl friend was. What noone wanted to talk about was the simple fact that inconvenience naturally gives way to something more convenient. Its just the way most people are. Distance, scheduling, other responsibilities and opportunities rapidly degrade even the best relationship to a very low order of priority. Just life being life.

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