Do they mean travel to different counties in europe, travel all of europes main capitals or are they just using the entire continents name for one visit to somewhere like paris? What would you mean if you said it like that? Like if i was going to america, i would say i’m going to new york etc

  1. They probably went to multiple countries in the same trip, so it’s simpler to say they “went to Europe” than they “went to Spain, France, Switzerland, and Italy” or whatever.

    They might also be going to a country/city that’s not well-known to Americans, so after they told the first few people they’re “going to Tartu, Estonia” and gotten “huh?” in response, they just simplified it to “going to Europe”

  2. I would assume they traveled around several countries, though Americans tend more towards western and northern Europe or the Mediterranean than the rest so that would be part of the assumption about where they went unless indicated otherwise.

  3. It could be any of those. Whether you set foot in one or many cities and countries in Europe, it makes sense to say you’re going to Europe.

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