My boyfriend 24m and me 19f have been together for 2 years now and I found out he was looking at not one but 3 nude pictures on Reddit . It makes me wonder if there’s more he just deleted in the history, Anyways it’s still bad . He denied it at first and said reddit put them there . Then he said he saw someone on Twitter talking about one of them so he looked it up . First of all that only explains one of the pictures and also I don’t care if someone was talking about it why would you go out your way to look at another girls body naked and then lie to me at first saying you didint see it and didint look at it then admit that you not only did you actually looked it up too . It’s so disgusting and sad it makes me feel bad about myself for him , am I not good enough to him is my body not pretty enough for him to need to seek out other girls body’s ? Am I crazy for not wanting him to look at this NO obviously not who would want that it hurts your relationship and self esteem . I don’t know what to do because I will not date someone that does this .

  1. Then fucking dont. If you dont wanna work it out and talk about it like COUPLES do and set boundries make comprimise, then leave, i would rather skip the part too where you conviniently left out the part where it was pre-established so lets just assume it was.

    He broke the rule. Leave.

    Lets assume he didn’t know this was something that genuinely upsets you.

    He didn’t know and your deciding to wallow and rant instead of communicating.

    In the first case I dont know why you posted and in the second case you are just exhibiting attention seeking behaviors.

    Im so lost. We need more info

  2. He’s 24, you’re 19. That’s already problematic. And despite your ages you’re the more mature one? Get out he doesn’t respect you and is a bad liar.

  3. My boyfriend didn’t know about stuff like that on Reddit till I told him. We both use it 🙈 sometimes stuff like this you have to try and let go. There could be worse problems

  4. He lied cuz he felt guilty. I suggest you have a honest and transparent talk with him. Talk first, leave later (if needed).

    I think your problem is not all about what he did, but why he lied to you. You feel like betrayed and cannot trust him anymore.

    So again, communicate. You two can stay or leave after that, but either way, fighting the problem together is always better than fighting against each other.

    With love.

  5. I feel you wholeheartedly on this. You need to choose you. Sadly it’s so normalised and accepted in society to do this kind of thing that anyone who opposes is made to feel insecure and controlling in some way just to want simple respect and emotional security that they are enough and validated in their emotions. But why shouldn’t a partner feel insecure? You’ve made them feel that by searching out others sexually! Why shouldn’t your partner feel like you’re safe in knowing you have love trust and respect that they can be raw and asked in every way and enough. On screen or not why should she not be able to just stand up and say I’m not ok with this and he either validates it or not but don’t hurt people for selfishness. That’s not ok.

  6. >at not one but 3 nude pictures on Reddit

    Well, that’s actually better than if he was looking at one picture!

  7. If you want to break up after 2 years and dont want to date somebody who look at nudes (or god forbid porn) than you will have a sad and lonely life.

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