I’ve (F30) been dating my bf (M29) for about 9months now. Unfortunately not much feelings have been grown, and I’ve been wanting to break up with him for a while. Last month was his bday. I bought him pair of shoes he wanted, but he returned it to me because he didn’t like the colour. We were suppose to go to shopping together to get him what he likes. I don’t want to continue this relationship any more. He keeps asking me when are we going to shopping. Do I have to go to shopping with him? Do I have to give him his gift or give him a gift card?

I want to break up with my bf of 9months. I waited while for his bday to pass. I gave him a bday gift but he returned it because he didn’t like the colour. Do I still need to gif him a gift before I break up?

  1. You can just break up, and not worry about the gift. It’s probably better that way, I doubt he will enjoy a gift you give him right before breaking up anyway. If he asks and does actually want it still afterwards then maybe get him a gift card.

  2. Just break up and don’t get him a gift or a gift card. He didn’t like the gift you originally got him and gave it back to you to return. I know you had plans to go shopping for something else, but you aren’t required to do that.

  3. Probably better you don’t give him a gift before breaking up with him.

    If you do, it’ll symbolize something negative for him thus resulting in wasted money; he’ll want to get rid of it.

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