Apperantly a co-worker thinks I am “not a real man, just a mommy/daddys kid” because I:

-Haven’t move out (I’m 23,with basically no savings)
-Never had a girlfriend/sex

So, I ask fellow guys (and girls), what is the dumbest opinion you had ever received?

  1. That I’m supposed to pay for the food my girlfriends best friend ordered when I only asked my girlfriend out for dinner and she just joined uninvited.

  2. in the future, I would most likely not discuss my personal life.

    I have been with the same company for 10 years. Nobody knows a fucking thing about me. Nobody. I live in the US and I have an American name I picked out (it’s common for immigrants to do that because the whites treat you better) and literally nobody knows my real name except payroll.

    if you have to talk about yourself because that’s the particular culture of the workplace, you need to start calling your parents “ my roommates“ and your lack of girlfriend is now “ I just got out of a relationship and I got to figure some shit out first”

    if you live in a house, you say “ i’m renting a place with some friends, they own a house and I got a pretty good deal on rent”

    start being creative.

  3. I only get to pick one in this era of absurdity. Just when you think you’ve heard it all, someone invents a new absurdity.

    Your situation is a little messy. You’re coworker is probably right enough that this isn’t the most absurd thing you’ve ever heard. You should at least appreciate your parents supporting this extended adolescence.

    Absurd is the word.

  4. Well, so, I’m a writer. And a reviewer told me something of the similiar words, “Hey, I’d like it if your cover AND title is changed, its just that, they are not supposed to be that too detailed”????? Like, I think, maybe it’s just me, that you see the cover and title and be like “Intresting” and then after reading the story you look back at them and be like “Oh, that’s what it meant!”

  5. 1) why would you ever talk about sex at work? Don’t do that. Nothing wrong about being a virgin, but you’re asking for trouble here.

    2) it is fucking weird to be 23 and not moved out. Grow up.

  6. Also, replying to your story:-
    Just tell them to go to hell and stop talking to them. Co-worker red flag mate, co-worker red flag!

  7. One of my coworkers once said that you are not a real man unless you can change a tire. I thought that was weirdly specific.

  8. That’s the dumbest opinion you’ve ever received? God damn everyone you’ve ever interacted with must have an IQ of 140+ because that opinion is well reasoned

  9. Basically anything pertaining to communism being the true way forward/universal basic income, etc

  10. When I lost my virginity, some dude tried to insinuate that since I didn’t cum I was still a virgin.

    Tell me you’re jealous without telling me you’re jealous….

  11. I was getting ready to leave for Marine boot camp in a few weeks and was told by my guidance counselor (in a very diplomatic way) that I was wasting my options and there was no future in it.

    Did my time, got a marketable skill, used my GI bill, bought my first house with a VA loan, saw alot of the world, had some adventures and met a diverse group of the best guys from all over the states that I’m still friends with.

    Not the only path, but definitely not a waste.

  12. By the way she’s right ….about the sex you could fix that but move out man ….23 you’re a man now

  13. When you said 23 still with ur parents I was like “still figuring out how to make ends meet”….then you said no savings I was like “sure youd save if you had the cash” then you said “no girlfriend no sex” that was it
    Your life is too basic, a Caterpillar got more going on in theirs…… I am intrigued tho what’s ur deal confidence 2.somesort of hidden inappropriate kink 3.not man enough (do something about it bro)

  14. Got plenty
    – Women are bitches
    – Do not expose your feelings
    – Trust no one
    – Do not reveal the way you feel
    – Having sex with other women will help you forget your ex
    – Avoid problems

  15. Waaaay back in school I was called gay alot (as many kids were) and then I actually started dating a girl. According to the bullies that proved I was gay because I was trying too hard.

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