Well I haven’t been in a relationship for three years now. And now that I’m ready to put myself out there I’ve only found myself guys who don’t wanna date a single mum. One time this guy told me “you are amazing and I’d love to spend the rest of my life with you but I cannot take care of another man’s daughter” I wasn’t telling him to and I respect his wishes but why did he want to get to know me and when I started entertaining the thought of me being with him he just hit me hard with that. It hasn’t been easy ever since I’m 29 and my daughter’s 5. Should I just give up on it and just concentrate on taking care of her or maybe I shouldn’t give up just yet?

  1. Ok so my perspective as a single dad with a 5 year old daughter. Iv only been separated since 3 months and been dating both single moms and women without kids.

    The ones without kids are great distraction and I can pretend I’m 20 again and have a great time, but I don’t find a deeper connection and the next day after one night stands I wake up feeling it’s pretty empty and pointless. I don’t feel understood in my parenting role either..

    Dated a few single moms now and it’s probably the way to go , even if the added complexity of us both having kids might be difficult .. have not met anyone I clicked with other then just flings so far thou 🤷‍♂️

  2. ive dated single mums before. they dont seem to have issues. all the ones i wanted to get with rejected me long term lol, got a few FWBs out of it tho lol

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