Everything I do is based off how motivated I am, and I’m not motivated a lot whatsoever. How do I get myself to do things I don’t want to do even though me doing those things would help me in the long run? Im trying to become a man for once

  1. Break it into small steps. Write them down. Do the first one. Check it off. Feels great. You’ll probably to a half dozen more. Before you know it, it’s done.

  2. Break up the task into super tiny achievable steps, write them down in a big list and tackle it one tiny step at a time. You can trigger endorphins this way. If you like coffee a lot, you can also make a long black and sip it ONLY between steps. That can reinforce your motivation. Super specific but it worked for me with crap I reeeeeeeeeally didn’t want to do at the time, like my taxes

  3. Acknowledging this is what makes you a man.

    Give examples of what you need to do more of, chances are there are alternative options that you would do, but you’ve fallen for the trick…..

    There isn’t one particular thing or way of doing things you need to do to become successful in anything.

  4. Get rid of distractions, i put my playstation i a closet and removed disney+ and netflix to study better.

    Boy did that work, my playstation is still in there after a year because ive done so much work even outside of school, it feels so good to accomplish something in the real world. i dont want to take it out again, atleast right now

  5. Just start doing it. Regardless of how you feel. Don’t ever let how you feel dictate what you do. Otherwise, you’ll always be a slave to your feelings. Feelings are ephemeral and shift like the winds.


    I guarantee you, most things you “don’t feel like” doing, will be easier to get done if you just make yourself start doing it.


    Don’t want to make your bed? Get right up, and start making the bed. I guarantee you’ll finish it.


    Don’t want to cut your lawn? As soon as you get home, get straight to doing it. I guarantee you’ll finish it once you’ve started.


    Don’t want to do your taxes? Have your papers gathered, and sit down right away to start doing it.


    The beginning is often the hardest part.


    There’s a concept that talks about the “5 minute rule” which says, just give 5 minutes to doing your chore or whatever it is you don’t want to do. It’s a psychological trick. Because once you start doing a thing… you will find you tend to do more than 5 minutes. “Hey, I’m already cleaning up this living room.. I’ll just get it all done and be done with it” so you finish it up. Sometimes, the “win” makes you feel so good you go on and do a little bit more of other things you didn’t “feel like” doing.


    And while doing this, you are training your mind that feelings are irrelevant; you’re going to do what you need to do regardless of feelings. So miraculously, the feelings effect reduces.

  6. story of every human alive.

    all you can do is make a list of shit you wanna do. pick one to follow.

    see what you can do today about it. do the same the next day.

    follow the method school showed you.
    every day there’s a small little lesson you learn from a textbook. Overtime you complete the textbook. You work on it slowly and incrementally. Sometimes projects, sometimes readings, sometimes testing. You break it down and you mix it up so it doesn’t get boring but one thing you do is you keep going. The school will not let you just stop, implement their method. It has historically worked

  7. Little by little, day by day. Figure out what you wanna be, and make out a road map to get there, and just start grinding

  8. I just grit my teeth and do it. Life isn’t all about doing what you want after all – there are many things that improve life, but are undesirable in the present.

    …like studying for a hard class.

  9. You won’t always want to. If you want to succeed in life you can’t do only the things you want to. You have to do what you know you must and you decide to do in advance.

    Discipline is choosing what you want most over what you want NOW

  10. I believe as a man if you are always comfortable then you are doing something wrong. It is our job to do things we don’t want to do that need to be done. The way I see it to really be a man is to just do it. No need for motivation or a want it has to get done so it will be.

  11. Understand why you feel you need to do it and accept the fact that it will be uncomfortable when you start.

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