So to keep this story short i got pregnant in November Just had our baby in July and The father of my child (22m) had a one night stand while i(22f) was 3 months pregnant. I’m just now founding out about this after asking him numerous of times have he had sex with anyone since we’ve been dating. He always says no. Well since i don’t trust him at all i went through his phone and found a video of him and this girl.They weren’t doing anything sexual but i confronted him and after hours he finally tells the truth that they had sex and it was a one time thing. I have no idea what to do.Im kinda hurt but i’m almost 100% positive he haven’t done anything after that .We also live together i don’t want to put him out because he has nowhere to go but i also don’t want him here anymore . I’m so lost on what to do

  1. You don’t trust him at all but you are almost 100% positive he hasn’t done anything else.

    Pretty sus i gotta tell ya.

    Why do you give a shit if he has someplace to go… when he didn’t give a shit when he was betraying your entire trust and making the direct choice to have absolutely no respect for you?

  2. Kick him out, he’s lost your trust and respect

    Should you really uave such a scum around your baby?

    This will teach him actions have consequences

    I am sure he has his parents to fall back to

    What a selfish person who put your health at risk, I would have preferred to have sex with someone who could trace at least, not a one night stands, he put you at risk of getting a STI

    Go to the GP and get a sexual health appointment

    If he wants back in, he will fight for you and that should speak volumes

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