Stay at home mom. How do you find/create time for yourself?

  1. I’m not a mom but I work from home. I think taking small chunks throughout the day helps. Mini breaks

  2. SAHM here. I have one son & I’m currently pregnant with my daughter. The only family involvement in our lives is me & my husband so everything falls on us. I put my son in daycare twice a week (Tues & Thurs) just to get a break. I consider them my weekend. I utilize these days for chores, doctors appts, and self care. Outside of this, I didn’t get much time besides when I slept at night. I’ll probably put my daughter in a similar situation once she’s born but we’ll see. But honestly if you can afford it & it’s an option, consider a mother’s day out program or daycare

  3. Daycare and nap time 🤣🤣

    I have 2 in primary school, 1 in daycare 2.5 days a week and a little one thats too young for daycare.

    Her nap time is mommy “me time” (also mommy nap time on some days because I’m shattered)

    I also have 1 Saturday night every month when I go out with friends and I get 2 Sunday naps a month (my husband gets the other 2)

    Then there are also any time I say to my husband that I need to tap out for an hour or two – like if I’ve had a rough day with sick kids etc- that I will go for a walk/work out/coffee and he holds the fort.

    **hubby does also get the same “time outs” that I get – 1 Saturday night a month, 2 Sunday naps and an hour or two for after work drinks/hanging out etc as well**

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