I’m 20F and today I told my grandma that I’m going out with my 19M bf. She told me she wanted to tell me something and then proceeded to tell me that I’m still “little” and I should not be having sex until I’m 25, she asked me if I was having sex and I lied and said I wasn’t. I’ve been having sex with my bf for over a year now and I just find it ridiculous that she feels as if she can pry into my sex life and tell me I shouldn’t be having sex. I’m not a child anymore and I just wish she would understand that we grew up in different societies and cultures.

  1. Yikes. What an awful comment that was. Glad they deleted it.

    Keep doing what you’re doing. Granny doesnt need to know what’s happening in your personal/ sexual life.

  2. Folks from that age have complicated moral issues with sex. Its likely her entire outlook on sex and sexuality are toxic and wrapped up in personal shame. Just keep telling her what she wants to hear.

  3. My grandma told me never to drink water to a meal because it would make me fat.

    I said “suuure” and drank my water when I wanted.

    Now she’s dead and I’m still thin.

    So fuck grandma “knowledge”. She has no business meddling in your intimate life. Just shut her advice out, like you would any other sort of noise. No use quarrelling with her, but no use listening to her rants either.

  4. You are both adults what happens between the two of you is no one’s business except the people you invite into the conversation about it. Not to say talking about sex should be taboo but to say it should be your choice who you include in the conversation.

    If the comments of your grandma are not helpful or even explained then why should you listen.

    Let’s say for argument’s sake she said something like “you shouldn’t have unprotected sex until you are 25.” this can in my eyes come from a place of worry. Worry about std or pregnancy to be specific.

  5. When did your grandma get pregnant with her first child? My guess is that it was around your age, and definitely not at 25.

    It is your life. Do whatever you want. If you depend from her financially, just keep it a secret.

  6. Just say okay and leave it at that. It’s none of her business, but it’s also not worth a fight with an old lady. You do you.

  7. My parents told me abstinence was the only way. No sex ed, no proper advice whatsoever. Completely pointless.

    Grandma just made her advice obsolete

  8. My now wife and I got engaged after 10 months and wanted to be married only 8 months later. The day after announcing it, my now mother-in-law, called me and gave me permission to have sex with her daughter and said that we didn’t need to get married in a hurry just to have sex. She said we should try things out before getting married. LOL, we hooked up on the third date. Both our firsts, still are 20 years later.

  9. She’s old and loves you and was just trying to help probably the same thing her mother told her

  10. Maybe she just doesn’t want you to be a young single mom? That’s wise advice I’d give to any young woman. If you have solid birth control. Yeah tell her to shut her trap

  11. I mean, it’s your grandma, there’s no need to get upset about what she said. She’s just trying to caution you. Do you need to listen to her advice? Of course not, just say yes grandma and go on about your life. She’s never gonna think you’re all grown up cause kind of rightly so, she’s way older than you

  12. You’re overreacting. You don’t have to agree but you can still accept her concern for your well-being.

  13. My grandad once passed a comment about fast food workers being lazy and slow because they were coloured. Loved the man dearly, but he was wrong as fuck. Same applies here. Old people just aren’t up to date with what’s appropriate.

  14. These comments are interesting because I see people on Reddit say all the time that people under 25-30 are too “little” to consent to sex. It’s become very popular to infantilize young adults

    The proper response when someone tries to mettle in your sex life is “frankly, my sex life is my own business and I will not be discussing it with you”

  15. My grandma used my grandfather to get revenge on the guy she really loved. Then my grandfather told her she couldn’t leave him and she was his now.

    I loved her, but if she gave me relationship advice, I’d have to stifle laughter. Given the times, idk how many of us should really be modeling our relationships after our elders.

    She also told me chocolate would give me zits.

  16. Ummm. It’s grandma…what do you expect her to say?

    “Yeah honey, go fuck your brains out and here is some money for cocaine, sex is better and last longer with it! Have fun sweetie!”

  17. It’s hard to say how she normally is just from this post so I might be wrong but to me it sounds like an unwanted advice that still came from a good place, don’t be too hard on her I think she just worries for you.

  18. It’s probably culture or just her it’s your body do what you want to but I wouldn’t tell her

  19. Dude my grandma told me:
    – not to talk to boys
    – that my parents will find me a husband
    – not to go out alone with my guy friends because they will rape me
    – it was worthless for me to go to uni because my husband will earn for me

    They say stupid things that make you lose your mind. They’re old. Lie, ignore, move on. It’s your life.

  20. Oooh, yikes. This ain’t it. This reminds me of a scene in Peggy Sue Got Married- “Peggy, you know what a penis is??? Stay away from it!”

    I think your grandma had good intentions; odds are she had her first child under the age of 25 and it may have been a traumatic experience for her. However at the end of the day, it’s none of her business whatsoever. Keep doing your thing.

  21. Aw come on! Your grandma loves you and is only trying to give you advice. You’re lucky you have her.

    Here is how to approach it: Look at her and make it clear you’re listening intently to her advice. Thank her for her wisdom and give her a big hug.

    Then do whatever the hell you want. But don’t be mad just because she cares about you.

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