I’ve been in a relationship for nearly 3 years and at the start he made a lot of quite dramatic outbursts about his opinion on when women upload selfies with lots of makeup on, I only had one or two pictures of myself online and deleted them.
He also used to get really grumpy whenever I would look nice and once didn’t go Into town with me about it.
I am quite a severely anxious person, but very determined to live a healthy life, so I really confronted him about this and basically gave him the ultimatum of my way or the highway, and I also think I permanently altered his opinion towards women expressing themselves through clothes, pictures and makeup. I think he just about has accepted that it’s not solely for male attention.
I have an Instagram account which he’s ‘fine’ with, yet regularly makes comments that are really hurtful to me (I take them very personally, I’ve tried not to but feel anxious regardless).
He even gets annoyed if I photograph drinks or food I’ve made. Sometimes I spend all day cooking and my friends and family often ask about recipes, it’s so harmless, I don’t go on my phone when he’s around either.
the negative comments have made me think about what I find irritating about him, and, it’s led me to think we’re not compatible.
I would like to speak to him about this one last time before cutting ties because despite the Negatives, we function well as a couple and generally get along really well, care about each other’s feelings, listen to opinions and we’re still like early 20s so still room for change?
Or is that a dealbreaker.
FYI I’m not willing to change my social media interactions as they’re a small part of fun/creativity for me.

  1. Ugh. Bin. Bin. Bin.

    Care about each others feelings yet all he does DESPITE your talk with him is make passive aggressive comments about what you do with your phone,photos and make up? The basic narcissistic manipulation there.

    He clearly has some issues of jealousy or something that he needs to work on. Is he afraid all the men are going to come in hooded cloaks and steal you from him and your home because you put a PHOTO on the INTERNET with some make up on?

    Jesus Christ. Sorry to blunt but choose your damn battles man.

    He should empower and uplift you and trust you.

  2. I used to have a fiancé like that, he was very judgemental about my hobbies. Then I met a man who supported it, and now I could never go back to being fine with all that negativity.

    Once you get rid of that constant stress and anxiety, you’ll be stronger in yourself. Find someone who supports you, you deserve it <3

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