Hi everyone! My fiancé cheated on me and left me.

I’m trying to make the ring as gross and dirty as possible without causing permanent harm. Like maybe putting the ring in a cup of maple syrup and letting it sit out for a week before I send him on a scavenger hunt of our relationship to find the ring at the end.

Any ideas? Yes, I’m petty. He broke up with me in the middle of the work day through text message after 4 years and an engagement. Save me the “be the bigger person” argument.

  1. You dont owe the ring back. It was given to you with a promise of marriage. Sell the ring and enjoy a weekend away.

  2. What!!!! After all this he wants the ring back as well. Just tell him you lost it. Sorrrryyyyyyyy. Then sell it.

  3. >Save me the “be the bigger person” argument.

    Nope. Not gonna do that because doing what you’re planning won’t help. It won’t make him feel bad, it won’t make him regret anything, and it won’t make him take back what he’s done. You’ll put in all this effort and the only thing it will do is make YOU look worse when he retells the story of what you put him through. And the people he tells will tell others. And so on. And so on. Until everyone knows you as the “crazy ex”. But hey, go right ahead. Ruin your reputation. Would suck if the story got back to people at work.

    In the end, if you want closure, it comes from acceptance. You have to accept that he’s a piece of shit for doing this. You have to accept that he’s a coward for doing it over text instead of in person. You have to accept that he’s probably found someone else and has no clue what he’s getting into with them. You have to accept that you don’t need or even want him in your life and you move on. You block him and live your best life.

    Check out the laws in your area and see if you have to give the ring back. Often, the ring is seen as a gift and gifts do not have to be returned. If that’s the case, sell it and use the money on a trip.

  4. Girl a scavenger hunt? Come on. This man doesn’t give a shit and any cute little stunt you pull is only going to reflect poorly on you. You think suddenly he’s going to feel bad after a scavenger hunt?

    Sell the ring and block him. Focus on yourself and friendships. Consider this a bullet dodged. On to the next adventure.

  5. Depending on the laws of your state, an engagement ring may be a conditional gift where you may only keep it upon fulfillment of the contract of marriage. I know he cheated, and that’s awful. Everyone suggesting selling it are giving you terrible advice that may put you in legal trouble if your ex is litigious.

  6. Hey sorry this is happening.

    Right now, you have the high ground. Seriously you are the victim.

    Once you start screwing with/selling the ring, you become the crazy Ex.

    He just tells the story to everyone about the $2000 ring he didn’t get back.

    All the peps on here that are saying that it’s a gift are flat out wrong. The ‘gift’ thing only applies if he proposed on a traditional gift giving holiday ie Christmas, Vday. Bday.

    Even then you’ll be seen as shallow for keeping it.


    So you can:

    1. have the high ground
    2. be the shallow crazy Ex out seeking revenge.

  7. I would put in a cup of shit them freeze it. To get it back he needs to let watery shit thaw.

    People telling you to sell it are wack unless you wanna find yourself in small claims court.

  8. Check the laws of your state – sell the ring, if you can – enjoy a weekend off or buy some stuff you love

  9. I support making life harder for cheaters, as long as you’re not breaking the law. First, make sure that what you’re planning is legal and won’t cause you any court issues.

    If you’re good in that area, soak the ring in a shot glass full of bleach with a few drops of lemon juice added. It’ll tarnish the hell out of the metal in just a few days, and the metal will never be the same no matter how much jewelry cleaner they use.

  10. This all seems like alot of work. Just give it to him and call him a name or something lol. Easier for you.

  11. Protect the ring in something small. Then put that in a box, duct tape it closed and dirty the outside of that. Put the box in maple syrup. This way the ring is still protected but he has to dig through it. If you’ve heard of altoids candy (usually near the gum). It’s tin and small.

  12. I swear about 95% of the time someone posts about their SO cheating on this sub I can confidently say “I see why your SO cheated on you” by the end of the post.

  13. “Save me the bigger person argument”

    Fuck cheaters, but you’re trash for this.

    I don’t care if you don’t want to hear it, you need to hear it. What’s next after the ring? After that? After that?

    All I’m reading is that you’re shit at processing and controlling your emotions.

    Get some fucking help. This won’t make you feel better.

    Next it’ll be his car. His job. Fighting bitches. Grown up, process and move on to happier places where you’re wanted.

  14. If the ring is worth anything he will sue you and win. Engagement rings are called “gifts in contemplation of marriage“. That means they don’t belong to you until you marry. Save yourself further grief and give it back.

  15. Don’t give back the ring.
    Which ring`?
    Is there proof of a ring?
    Drag it out as long as possible 🙂

  16. **You can’t sell it or you’ll lose in court and have to pay him.**

    1. Walk you neighborhood or the park and find the **biggest pile of dog shit** you can find.
    2. Pick it up with a plastic bag.
    3. Use plastic tongs from the dollar store and push the ring down into the pile.
    4. Put the bag into a Ziploc freezer bag and place it in the freezer.

    He comes for the ring take the bag out of the freezer and hand it to him.

  17. You can get into legal trouble for F ing up the ring or not returning it if he’s going to be an even bigger pos and pursue it so I will say don’t do that.

    Go after revenge in a way that won’t financially hurt you or put you in jail. I’m not going to tell you to be the bigger person because the truth is that it often gets you nowhere. Come up with something else

  18. hes not going to care about the ring and its condition. you think you are hurting him by destroying it but you’re just doing it to make yourself feel better, he’s not going to care at all.

  19. revenge is best served cold. you gotta calm down before you do anything. give it a month, maybe 6 even, before you do anything at all.

    tbh i don’t think this guy is worth any effort at all

  20. This shit makes you look deranged. Just a jilted frigid loser who can’t get over an ex.

    No one’s asking you to be the bigger person, it’s obvious you’re not capable of that. But try not to be embarrassing

  21. Forget the ring, that could cause legal troubles (and I highly doubt he’d even care or be hurt by it), I’d try to ruin his relationship with his AP. Being the bigger person is useless in most cases.

  22. You’re gonna be up in the middle of the night a few years from now unable to sleep because of the frustrating embarrassment of thinking this scavenger hunt thing is even remotely a good idea.

  23. Put the ring in a glitter bomb box and mail it to his house.

    I’m sorry he did that to you.

  24. Girl, you have the right to some non-armful fun ^^

    I would take the advice of the ring in a multitude of boxes, like russian dolls, each one more annoying to destroy. For instance : pulling a ton of zip ties around it, some chatterton, ice on the outside…. and then, when he finally arrives on the ring box withe the ring in it, it is sealed in epoxy X)

    For the florish, I would had in the epoxy a beautiful calligraphied letters : as dead as our love, or something like it.

    If you do, please send me some photos. DM opened if you want more ideas for the Russian boxes from hell !

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