What’s the most expensive purchase you’ve ever made for a partner/SO? Was it worth it?

  1. I bought my husband a vehicle once. It was worth it because it meant he could drive to work and make money.

  2. Erm a £1600 65″ 4k TV when they just came out and a brand new Xbox one X which was £450 I think I paid for valentine’s Day a few years back. Deffo worth the money.

  3. I gave him an Omega watch for his 50th birthday, roughly $3800. Totally worth it.

  4. A set of woodcarving tools. Well worth it, both for the enjoyment he gets from making things, and the fact that many of those things are both beautiful and useful.

  5. I basically had no money but I used whatever I had to buy her stuff. I’m guessing the most expensive one was the limited edition Nirvana vinyl box that cost me like $200, but it was more of a combination of shit… I kinda don’t regret it cause she’s an amazing person now that she’s clean – I hold no resentment. But back then we were both addicts, but my co-dependency to her was stronger than my addiction. She used me for money, said she’d sell her body or kill herself if I didn’t get it, asking me if I wanted her dead, she was verbally abusive af and eventually left me for the guy she’d been cheating on me with cause he was richer.

    She was my first love, the reason I found the strength to come out as bi and the person who broke my inability to get attached (caused by severe trauma). But I was trying to compensate for not feeling worthy of love, I think. I was ruining myself to get her things she didn’t actually need… And I regret treating MYSELF like that.

  6. A new camera. I don’t remember how much it was exactly (I think something like $900cad), but photography is a big hobby for him so definitely worth every penny. Plus he still uses it today despite having more up to date equipment now.

  7. A holiday for his 30th. It was absolutely worth it because I got to go too!

  8. Rhinoplasty to fix his severely deviated septum. Definitely worth it to see him breathe better, plus a huge self esteem boost.

  9. Oh man. I’ve bought full vacations, expensive cologne, custom chessboards, custom whiskey decanters, brand new grills, car stereo systems. You name it & at some point I probably did it.

    All of those things were for exes and there will always be a part of me that wishes I hadn’t since clearly the relationship didn’t work but at the same time… I deeply cared for them and I like to buy gifts for people so it was worth it.

  10. This one is so silly in comparison to the others , ha. For my boyfriends birthday two years ago I bought him some $250 hiking boots. Every time he gets too drunk he starts almost crying with joy explaining how much he loves the boots (?) to our roommates. We’re like yes, we know you really like the boots dude. I am considering buying a second pair and hiding them until these wear out.

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