I have been in a monogamous relationship for 9 years and recently tested positive for trich. My partner tested negative though. I know I haven’t cheated or had any type of sexual relations since being with my partner. I was tested for this last year (as they do it routinely) and was negative.

How is this possible??

  1. Get tested a 2nd time in a proper lab setting. Most likely a false positive.

    The home lab tests for trich are not always accurate.

    Source: Tested positive with everlywell home test. Did an actual lab test at a certified lab which included a swab of the urinal tract and it came back as negative.

  2. Trich likes moist environments. Im going to assume you’re AFAB and your partner is AMAB?

    Im not trying to be the bearer of bad news. While it’s not always the case, and medical intervention may be necessary for men, its not uncommon for trich to resolve itself in a few weeks for men because the environment isn’t as ideal as a vagina. A trich infection in men often is asymptomatic versus the more apparent infection in women. It may take a few weeks for symptoms to appear in women as the infection ‘ramps up’ and the bacteria proliferate.

    So in theory, the mans infection could clear up before the women’s symptoms are bothersome and testing occurs.

    Trich is spread mainly through sexual contact with an infected partner. Trich can only live outside of the body (or moist environments) for 45 minutes. So while not impossible, the chances of you getting trich from a public surface is pretty slim. The odds aren’t zero. But the odds certainly aren’t high.

  3. you either cheated, made this post and will ‘accidentally’ leave it open cor your partner to see or he has cheated.

  4. Are you sure they specifically tested you for trich the first time? Because it isn’t always automatically included in the test. I had to ask for it specifically.

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