Poor guy. During the pandemic he grew himself a beard for the first time in his life, and man, what an upgrade. I think he’s handsome either way, but beard definitely suits him best.

He hated it though. It was always on the way, or too prickly, or too soft, or too coarse, or too batchy (not really), or too itchy.. sometimes he liked it, but it was more because he dislikes his face without it more. He’s had issues with his self esteem since he was a chubby teenager with severe acne. To me he’s always been handsome.

Nevertheless, every few days he thought about shaving his beard off, but he was already committed to it. See, it took 6 months to grow a proper beard. A lot of people complimented his new look. He NEVER gets compliments for his looks (other than from me).

Welp, today was the day he finally gave in to temptation to shave it all off, and to say he regrets it is an understatement of the year. He freaked out since he didn’t recognize his face. How his chin was too small, or how his nose was too large. It didn’t help that since growing a beard he’s gotten glasses as well, so this was the first time he’s seen himself with glasses without his beard. Glasses that now looked disproportionatetly large on him.

I told him how I’ve missed this clean face of his, and I love ALL faces of his. How he’s handsome either way, it’s just a different look. I smooched his cheeks and kissed him and just kept touching his soft face. How it’s like meeting an old lover of mine. Oh how I’ve missed him.

I also mentioned that despite him regretting shaving off his beard, it wasn’t a mistake. Because now if he decides to grow a new beard, he will remember this moment, and be so much wiser for it. If he would’ve never shaved off his beard, he’d probably hate it and think about shaving it off to his grave.

He said he’s going to grow a new beard, starting now. I just hope he’ll feel better about himself. He’s the best, it sucks to see him so upset.

  1. You sound like an awesome and supportive wife so go you! Your husband will totally be more confident this time around (at least I’d assume) because now he knows this is the look for him!

  2. That’s so heartwarming, you’re so sensitive and tender with him.

    It kind of makes me wish for that kind of relationship.

  3. I can relate. I grew a really big beard and loved it. My wife on the other hand did not. For one reason or another this beard helped give me an identity. Not sure why. But it was important to me. Knowing she really was never a fan I always felt guilty and after a couple of years went to a really short beard because that’s what she likes. And the change was really really difficult for me. I didn’t like what I looked like. But.

    It’s nice that the two of you both like and enjoy each other’s preferences. I wish that were the same for us. You sound like a really great person and are supportive. Nice work.

  4. I am so sorry for his loss! My husband grows a glorious beard! I accidentally shaved it too short one time when we trimmed the spring beard and it looked goofy so he shaved it all off and I cried.

    My husband also secretly shaved it off one time while we were at his family’s house (one of the first few times meeting them) snuck up from behind and put his naked face on mine and I yelled “gross” in a panic.

    Beard grief is real grief.

    R. I. P.

  5. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Eh, it’s hair. It grows back.

    I’ve grown a beard three times and all three times I got sick of it for the reasons you describe. It gets into EVERYTHING you eat and drink and I couldn’t stand it. These guys with the giant beards… more power to them, but [No sir, I don’t like it](https://youtu.be/cDGlN6mluGA).

  6. When I met my husband he didn’t have any facial hair. I asked him to try to grow one out since at the time I had short hair and he asked me to grow my hair out. It’s fine, I was going to do it anyway after rocking short hair for about 15 years but I do prefer a rugged mountain man opposed to clean shaven. And btw, I said mountain man. Not lumbersexual. Overly manicured beards aren’t attractive imo.

    Anyway, I look back at photos of my short hair and his bald face and we both agree that if I cut my hair or if he shaves….we’re gonna have problems haha.

    God speed to your husbands new beard! May it come in fierce and fast and furious like the gods of war!

  7. Got to say he’s beyond lucky to have you in his life… hoping he is the same for you

  8. FYI there are some wonderful products out there specifically for beards. I hate shaving and my wife prefers hair on my face over my bare face. She got me a shampoo just for beards. It really softened it up and leaves it smelling fresh.

  9. It sounds to me like your very handsome husband needs to learn proper beard care. I preferred mine clean shaven, then he grew a beard and started using more products on it than I use on my hair 🤣🤣🤣
    If he’s so inclined, check this video out. https://youtu.be/T3n6ryGB0xo

  10. It’s hair. It grows back.

    I have only been clean shaven once since HS when I had to have surgery.

    My wife and daughter do not like me without facial hair.

  11. Lol. My wife asked that I grow my beard back before our wedding so I had it in the wedding photos. I was on and off with it for years.

    Last time I shaved my daughter was 6mo and had never seen me without it. She cried.

    I have never shaved since that day. And she will be four in June. I do not plan to shave again in my life.

    Also, I decided to grow my hair out during quarantine and now I’ve got a decent long hair and beard combo my wife comments on from time to time. Never go back!

  12. I remember the shock when my husband shaved his. I couldn’t stop laughing because of how tiny his chin looked. His whole head looked tiny lol.
    But your eyes eventually readjust. And after discovering all the acne he got from his beard he hasn’t had a beard since.

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