Basically as the title says, me and my friend have the same class in the mornings, and there’s this one girl who sits right next to me that I want to talk to but it’s almost impossible because there’s no good excuse that I can make that can get a conversation starting. Usually after we start a conversation I don’t have a problem setting up plans or keeping contact, but I just can’t find a way to do so here. Help

  1. If someone wants to talk to you and knows how to have a conversation, anything is a good conversation starter that isn’t too weird or off-putting.

    PUA types act like you need a formula or game plan, but it’s because they’re trying to score, not connect. They’re really vocal on the internet and they should be tuned out IMO.

    Think about it this way: if she initiated, what conversation starters would work for you? What would be put you off? It’s pretty much the same for her.

    Also, if you’re someone who doesn’t like being approached much and isn’t used to it, you might assume women don’t want to be approached more often than is actually the case.

  2. Hey did you hear that Queen Elizabeth’s reign saw five different actors play Batman? Adam West, Michael Keaton….

    Don’t overthink it. Just say some dumb shit and see if she smiles AND more importantly if she can respond in a clever way.

  3. You need to learn two skills:

    1. Talk to your friend but in the words and topics targeted at her. She will listen and once the seed is planted, get back to you, initiate follow up.

    2. It doesn’t really matter what you talk about, when you talking to her if the interest is mutual you will make connection over non verbal language you just need to open this channel. When it works, the more boring the topic the better, cause no one on the side will notice what’s going on.

    This two skills allow experienced guys to flirt in the daylight without anyone noticing.

  4. A trick I like to do is to start having a dumb debate with my friend and then ask the person i want to talk to for input. Like turn to them and be like “I’m trying to settle a debate what’s your take” it works pretty well

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