I started dating this really nice guy, but in the midst of dating him (roughly a month) I realized that I wasn’t sexually attracted to him. I didn’t want to kiss him anymore or doing anything romantic. But I really enjoyed his company. He isn’t a big talker and can’t hold a conversation with me, he’s also made it clear with his actions that he doesn’t know how to lead a relationship, if I don’t talk there’s silence or no movement forward.
I know he really likes me, but I’m not there.

Eventually I met his friends, and his best friend stood out because we clicked instantly. We would talk all night while the guy I’m dating sat in silence. The best friend came over to my place on behalf of the guy I was dating to see if I would be up to making it official. We spent the whole day/night at my pool talking, listening to music, and… kissing.
He’s made it clear that he’s attracted to me, but can’t be near me because his friend likes me.

I called it quits with the guy I was dating and opted to be friends. The best friend still keeps his distance out of respect for his friend. But I can’t stop thinking about him and want to date him.

I never dated two friends before, but I really want to date him. Any advice on how I should go about this situation?

  1. Out of respect for both of them and their friendship.

    Leave them alone.

    You don’t want to be that girl who ruins a guys friendship.

    It sounds like you already went behind his back, and that’s not a good foundation for starting a new relationship with someone… Let alone his friend.

  2. Damn lol his “best friend” sounds kind of like a douche to be honest, no offense. I know if it was one of my bros and he really liked a girl, I wouldn’t go near her even if she did like me. So the fact that he’s willing to betray his friend over a girl he wants to have sex with is telling of his character

    It reminds me of always sunny when charlie was really into the waitress and dennis used sex with her to gain leverage over charlie lol

    I can only imagine how miserable the dude felt when his “”friend”” was chatting up the girl he really likes. He probably does this to him all the time tbh

  3. Speak to the guy you were dating, tell him you like his friend. And ask him how he would feel if something were to happen with you and his friend. It’s a bit of a man’s code, your mate shouldn’t just go date your ex, unless he’s makes it known hes alright with it.

  4. I don’t think you owe anything to the first guy. If the friend is willing to pursue something more with you then he should be the one to talk to his friend about dating you.

  5. The best friend is keeping his distance “out of respect for his friend”, after the same best friend ended up kissing OP while meeting with her on behalf of the ex? If you care for nice guy at all, I would walk away from the “best friend”. At the very least, give it a lot of time before pursuing the best friend.

  6. So you want to fuck up a friendship because you’re horny for a guy you barely know? First dude dodged a bullet.

    His friend sounds like an ass too, but hopefully he’s seeing the light now. Here’s to hoping his friend is a true bro and tells you to fuck off. If not though, at least tell the first dude so he can cut his “best friend” off.

    Ask yourself if you’d be ok with a guy dumping you to date your best friend.

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