How’d you feel about being shorter or the same height as your partner?

  1. I’ve been attracted to women shorter and taller/as tall as myself. Both have their appeal.

  2. I dated a girl who was 5’11” so when she wore heals, she was taller than me ha. I always kind of found it funny and we joked about it a lot. Never bothered us. Was also fun at other times too, if ya catch my drift.

  3. I don’t mind whatever height my partner is. My bf is the same height as me. I’ve dated shorter and taller as well. I think people care way more about their own height than anyone else does, most of the time.

  4. That’s a big bitch, no thank you. Is your username appropriate here, op?

    I’ll keep the petite and neat wife. She’s easier to carry around when she’s sick. More efficient. Her clothes fit in less space.

  5. Ehhh, my girlfriend is 4’10”, so no thanks. I did date a 6’4” woman before, so it would be nice if I could gain 4 inches of height to reach her height.

  6. Being shorter could be awkward, but there’s nothing wrong with that. I would have an easier time sitting on her lap. Part of me thinks a same-height-wife would be the best. Another part would like a petite darling.

  7. I’d be good with it, if she wanna be with me I’m fine with her being taller than me, she can have much bigger “flaws” than that. And me being just below average height for my country she can get the stuff from the top shelf

  8. lol i’m 6’6 give or take. not many taller than me. if some giant amazon woman pops up i’d be 100% down.

  9. I don’t care, personally. But I’ve also been hearing women praising tall men for most of my life so I assume that every woman that is taller than me is uninterested.

  10. My ex-wife was an inch taller than me. I never thought about it at all.

    It’s a non-issue for me. It’s women who care about height.

  11. In theory I don’t care.

    In practice this question is irrelevant. I’m 6’2.5″.

    This means I’m taller than 96.3% of dudes and taller than 99.993% of ladies.

    It means if I search through 100,000 women, I’ll only find 7 who are taller…

    That’s why I don’t care.

  12. Dated a girl once and she got some heels that put her at the same height as me in shoes. Was fine. I liked her anyway, though. But yeah, I’d say that her being that tall would be a plus given I like girls who are tall.

    No idea what it would be like to be with a girl taller than me, those girls are very rare. The attractive ones I’ve met have always intrigued me, though, so I’d be willing to give it a try. The problem has been, aside from their rarity, that either they’re not into guys who are shorter than them or I wasn’t single when I knew them.

    Was actually kind of funny, I went from getting rejected by a 5’2″ girl because she thought 6’2″ was going to be too tall for her and then the next one was 6’4″ and shot me down because 6’2″ was too short. Both extremes and both extremely unusual things to hear and all within about a month or two.

  13. I’m 203 cm.

    A woman who is taller than that without heels, and we’re into each other, is the ultimate pipe dream in the area of romance, for me.

  14. Don’t really care. I’m 5’7″, as long as she is like in between 4’10” and 6’6″ I don’t give a remote crap. They both have their advantages and disadvantages.

  15. I’d think it’s kind of hot. I’m 6″2 so I’ve never personally ran into that, but it’d be cool. We could have giants as kids.

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