Backstory:- Couple weeks ago, my girlfriend basically confessed to me she was thinking about sleeping with other dudes. Initially I was hesitant but we agreed at 1 condition. She wouldn’t bring anyone at my place for sex or anything like that. She hasn’t had sex with me or even gave me any blowjob or anything for that entire time. I’m quite okay with it cuz I was a little busy the entire time and masturbated every now and then.

“You wanna hear how today’s session was!”, she said with a sort of seductive tone and smile. I knew she wasn’t in the best state of her mind and I was tired after a day of work but even then I said, “Yeah, sure.”

And then she would go on to tell me her sexual experience in explicit details including how it felt inside her, the size of the other man’s penis, how sex with him was different from sex with me, at what moment of sex and at which position she felt the greatest ecstasy etc.

All of that went on for several weeks and almost everyday she would tell me those stories. Sometimes romantic, sometimes rough, sometimes super passionate. Most of the days she would fall asleep before finishing a story, I’d carry her to bed and let her sleep. Sometimes we’d both fall asleep in the couch.

Now every night I returned home, I never saw her. She would arrive later but that night, she was home from the beginning AND SHE WAS MAKING DINNER.

I thought she was making dinner for somebody else because she never really made dinner for me in our entire time together. So I said in a calm but direct tone, “Honey! I told you… You can’t invite them at my place if that’s what you’re doing.”

“What? NO! It’s for you. Come here. It’s almost ready.”, she gave me a kiss as she said.

After dinner, I sat down on my laptop to check some email.

“Do you love me?”

I thought that was a very odd question from her.

“Of course I do…what’s up!”, I genuinely smiled as I said that.

She pulled me closer and started kissing deeply. She hasn’t done anything like that for a long time but that day I wasn’t quite feeling it. So I gently pushed her back. She tried to kiss again….. and again until I said,
“Honey! I’m not in the mood today. Please!”

“What the fuck does that even mean?”, she said. “Just go to bed, okay? I’ll be late.” I said as I had some work related stuff.

By the time I went to bed, it was almost 2:00 AM but she was awake the whole time.

I was changing my underwear and preparing for bed and my face was at the opposite of the bed. When I turn around, she was right infront of me.

“Why are you ignoring me? Am I not the same person I used to be?”, it seemed she was about to cry.

“Come here!”, I hugged her tightly and kissed on her forehead.Idk why but I felt little bad for her but again I was too tired that night.

“What’s wrong? Why can’t we just have some fun?”, she insisted.

This time I felt a little impatient like she couldn’t understand I was tired af but kept wanting sex amyway.

“Do you even listen to what I say? Don’t I deserve some rest? What do you want? What can I possibly give you? Romantic experience? affection? rough and hard? ” I asked her a bit loudly but with a genuine intent. “What do you want?”

“Ok. Just tell me. I’ll do my best.”, I told her. If she wanted me to go down on her, I would even though I personally wouldn’t enjoy that.

She gave a deep hug and invited me to cuddle in the bed. I followed her.

3 minutes in…out of nowhere she basically explodes with rage and starts punching me non-stop.

“What the fuck is wrong?”, I say as I catch her hands. I see mild tears at the corner of her eyes but honestly I’ve no idea what wrong I’ve done.

I get up to go to the bathroom. She sprints infront of me and basically stares at me.

“You’re gonna get someone hurt.”, I say with a slightly concerned tone.

“YOU SELFISH ASSHOLE!”, she screamed so hard I think it made the neighbours wake up as she landed that slap on my face.

It’s been about 3 days since she’s left my place and I haven’t got any text reply from her. She isn’t picking up the phone either. I don’t care whatever the hell she’s doing, I just hope she hasn’t crashed her car or anything like that.

  1. She sounds like she’s more than a little complicated, and it sounds like you’re a willing doormat, ready to let her walk all over you.

    I would recommend just starting over with someone else. Either that or start some pretty deep couples therapy.

  2. Maybe she got pregnant from another man? from the looks of it you guys didn’t do it for a few weeks.
    Maybe you started to distance yourself? She understood that she could lose you if she hasn’t already, the punching and name calling are abuse. Maybe so that you don’t get hurt no more you started pulling back even if only sub-consciously?

    If you did have sex with her after you guys opened the relashionship, get an STD at least. And if shes pregnant get a paternity test.

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