M31 here. So, I went on a date last weekend with an amazing girl F30. The date went really well, the kind of date where you stay for much longer than you anticipated, we had fun, and the night ended with us making out, and just standing outside the bar looking into eachothers eyes.

We decide on a second date a couple of days later, and I start feeling sick today, which is one day prior to our second date. Took a Covid test this morning, and it’s positive. I imediately write to her that I have to cancel, and I have Covid so she should get checked.

It feels so unsexy, kinda like telling somebody you have an STD and that they should get checked. And even if she still wants to see me, it might be weeks before we see eachother because of me being sick, and that might kill our chemistry. Not a great way to start off.

So the question for especially the women out there: Do you think I’ve killed my chances, and is it going to be weird having the second date so long after the first date?

Note: This is my first second date EVER. I usually end up with one night stands, not going on the second date, or sleeping with the person on the first night, and ending up in a long term relationships. I’m trying to be a gentleman this time around and give it time, and I really want to court her. So, I’m really inexperienced when it comes to dating over a longer period, and I’m just nervous I already fucked it up, and I really like this girl.

1 comment
  1. COVID is just rampant. I accept that by going out in public there’s a chance of me picking it up. Especially if I’m kissing someone. I’d be glad that you are being responsible and told me. Definitely wouldn’t hold it against you.

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I need friends or people to talk to if your ok with that send chat request lol