this one has been going on for like an hour it’s proper doing my head in!!

  1. Behave yourself.

    My village is full of people like this, complaining about the church, complaining about the farm smells.

    The track I race at (built in the 50’s) just got shut down due to noise complaints from a new housing estate.

    Get over yourself ffs.

  2. No. Well you can but it’ll be ignored.

    It’s a buyer beware situation. The church and the bells were there before you. You should’ve taken that into consideration before you moved there

    I live near a motor circuit and aerodrome. My surveyor flagged it as something to consider when I bought my house.

    A new estate was built close by and they formed an association to stop the noise. They tried to argue they didn’t expect car and plane noises…from a motor circuit and an aerodrome. They were told that was ridiculous so then asked if someone could make the cars and planes quieter. This went on for a few years and was hilarious.

  3. You could but no, just no, don’t do it.

    Let them ring their bells it will be over before you know it.

  4. Tbh I think you can only complain if they’re doing it at really anti social hours and I don’t think most churches chime at night or early in the morning. Maybe if they do, then you could.

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