My gf and I are in high school she dosnt want people to know eny ideas why

  1. she’s a private person, not everyone’s keen on feeling they are being scrutinized by everyone else

  2. Ask her and accept her answer. Tell her you’re looking for an honest answer, not trying to change her mind because you respect her judgement. Then go home and think about what she said and decide if you still want to date. Have a follow up discussion.

    I hope it works out for you! Dating can come with a lot of judgement and bullying for high school girls (at least when I was one) so try and be understanding. It could be something nefarious just as easily but if you give her the benefit of the doubt and show respect for her wishes, she’s much more likely to be honest with you.

  3. She doesn’t want people to know what? That you are dating? There’s lots of gossip in high school and she may not want to deal with judgments or comments from friends. Or her parents wouldn’t approve and she doesn’t want them to find out. Or she’s embarrassed by you. Could be all sorts of reasons.

  4. I’m a guy and I was the same way in High School. It was largely because my first date in Freshman year got pushed out of her friend group for even considering a date with me, and I happened to overhear one of her “best friends” pitying her for going out with me. Lol High school politics aren’t worth fucking with if you can avoid it, imo.

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