you wake up tomorrow and find everyone’s naked, what will you do?

  1. People with a phobia about nudity think everyone else has the same phobia, but I’d say the VAST majority of people simply don’t care.

    Looking at clothing styles, men clearly are far more scared of nudity than women, so any phobic response would be highly gendered. Was recently at the beach and for women thongs are totally normalized but men were wearing what amounts to calf length capris. Bare female butt is totally normal at the beach, they look at me weird because my suit was special order on Amazon and its only got like 8 inches of inseam and I’m showing “gasp” “BARE MALE KNEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Meanwhile next to me some college girl is laying down rubbing sunscreen on her butthole because its right out there uncovered except by a little string. Have to admit it looked pretty nice.

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