I was at the gym early this morning and the 25 year old gym owner (my age), checked me out during squats and what not. I could tell because I watched him in the mirror so he probably didn’t know I noticed. And nothing wrong with that. Might’ve just checked out my workout. I do have a pretty wonderful set of cake though. Which begs the question, does straight men ever appreciate a dude’s clappable cheeks for what they are?

Idk, because I’m gay and I also don’t care for ass.

  1. if im ever looking at a dude squatting, it’s usually because he’s lifting heavy and im looking to see if he’s going atg or doing bullshit quarter squats.

  2. If you don’t care for ass, how are you aware that you have cake?

    Why should a straight man lack this same capacity?

  3. I think both men and women admire what they think is attractive and what they desire for their own physique in the same sex, regardless of their sexual preference. It isn’t sexual or gay to think that someone of the same sex looks great.

  4. I’m a straight woman and I could admire a woman’s body without it being sexual at all. I’m sure it’s the same for guys.

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