Especially on a first date or hangout.

  1. I dont judge the Car, i judge whether its Clean or Nasty. That says a lot about a person.

  2. I cant. I don’t even drive. But I will definitely judge you if your car looks like a bin bag has exploded inside of it.

  3. We can tell by the car how much money a person has. And it does not say anything about the human and moral qualities of a person, we can draw conclusions about this when we get to know the person better.

  4. I only “judge” (as in i will limit my interactions with them as much as possible) if someone is flexing with it, otherwise i dont judge

  5. Muscle cars and loud as fuck Harleys. Every single hour one of them rips down the main street here. They all look exactly like how you’d expect, either a young brouchebag or the middle-age version of one.

  6. I can’t.

    I know broke guys who have super flashy cars, and also hella rich mofos that drive 1998 Corollas or whatnot. I know a guy with a BMW, and I know what they say about BMW owners, but he’s one of the nicest guys I ever met.

    I drive a minivan, and I’m not a soccer mom, but I am a dad who occasionally needs to transport big stuff that won’t fit in a pickup without modifications and that can’t get wet in the rain.

    Stereotypes are good for a joke here and there but I find in the real world they’re accurate 50% of the time at best.

  7. i don’t.

    if it’s super out of pocket damaged im going to assume you are a v avoidant type of person who lets things go that maybe need more attention.

    usually the types of got the hella banged up cars and don’t care typically have drinking and smoking pot addictions so the cash goes to that instead of daily life

  8. I judge the person on the cleanliness of their car rather than what they drive instead. It’s a woman’s job to judge someone on superficial things like that

  9. I’m getting back into dating and have a red hatchback. Wondering what sort of impression that would give.

    ETA I got it because hatch’s are super practical, and this one gets excellent mileage while being kinda fun.

  10. In the sense of thinking less of you for having a cheaper car, not at all. But in terms of making inferences about your personality based on what you choose to drive, sure.

  11. I’m old enough not to, although don’t forget that you are going to remember the character of the person rather what car they used to drive.

    Some cars seem like a toys for big boys, some are trying to intimidate.
    I find it funny when I see big ass car and tiny skinny guy inside ( compensating for something?)

  12. Not judgemental unless it’s had a big loud exhaust attached then it’s an automatic dickhead label

  13. If you are asking if most guys make any judgements on potential dates based on what they drive, then generally we don’t. I’m a car enthusiast, so if a lady is also in to cars that would be a big plus. Especially if she prefers to do her own shifting. But no strike against her if she drives an appliance. My wife has many wonderful qualities to compensate for having to keep a less fun car around for her to drive.

  14. How clean/ dirty it is. Whether it’s a practical car like some toyota or a fun sports car they enjoy driving or some impractical and expensive daddy’s girl mobile like a fiat

  15. Entry level luxury SUVs scream “I’m not going to use my turn signal” and “I’m likely to try to turn left from the far right lane.”

  16. I don’t. I’ve been judged by the absolute beater I drive, though. Some people really just believe you’re poor if you’re not flexing a set of nice wheels on everyone else. Those people are very very foolish. 😎

  17. I can’t on a personal level but from a business perspective. If the person who’s trying to sell me a relatively expensive product/service, then, if he’s driving a is a cheap car, less than $80K, I think that he needs money, and not so successful, therefore probably not good at what he does. If it is a $150K + car, then either very successful or has exaggerated pricing, therefore, doesn’t need my money and won’t value my business. I think the sweet spot is that range, between $80K to $150K vehicle. Although, this formula is not bulletproof and does not apply to construction-related people.

  18. I know I used to think BMW and Mercedes drivers were the worst then Tesla drivers were like “hold my beer”

  19. I don’t judge by your car until you cut me off or something, then I will swear at you with whatever car you are driving ie “fucking ford / Kia / Mazda etc drivers” even if you are driving the same car as me.

  20. Let’s spin this. You will have an excellent way of knowing if your date is a decent person by whether they make judgement on you because of your car

  21. Not a car guy and everyone has different things going on. I don’t judge people by cars at all.

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