How would/do you feel/react if girl says to you “Omg, you’re sooo funny”?

  1. Depends. If I just said only a moderately funny thing, I’d assume she was flirting with me. If I said something very funny, I would probably only think she had a good sense of humor.

  2. I’d say “I’m not kidding get in the fucking trunk” jokes I’d be happy they talked to me

  3. I don’t take complements well, so I’d probably say in a flat drawl “yeah, I wouldn’t bet on that”.

    I’m not a jerk, I just learned to never say or believe anything good about myself because someone in the room would immediately seagull me.

  4. Get confused and theorize about whether she actually likes me or only sees me as friend for WEEKS

  5. Laugh damnit, just laugh. Don’t ever say that’s sooo funny your sooo funny. Just laugh. My friend says this to me all the time can you tell?

  6. not enough data.

    she could want me or she could think i’m an idiot.

    the amount of o’s in so make me uneasy

  7. Depends if I was actually trying to be funny.

    If I wasn’t and was being serious, that would raise a red flag instantly.

  8. If it’s in that valley girl accent that I made in my head from reading it, I’d kind of cringe

  9. “Omg, you’re sooo subtle!” If you think I’m funny, just laugh at the jokes. Don’t start trying to explain the punchline.

  10. Mimick her tone and say “OMG, Thanks!”

    Now, what you do immediately after is up to circumstance.

    If she meant it as a compliment after you made her laugh, laugh/smile immediately after and gently squeeze her arm, to show you were just joking.

    If she meant it sarcastically to put you down, turn your head and walk away

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