Hey guys i need serious help , how to treat a girl when she is suffering from PTSD
I am talking about my girlfriend she has been dealing with the last 10 years , she is just 23
whenever I talk to her she refuses to talk
Her unknown behaviour killing me from inside
I love her but i don’t know how to deal with it ,

  1. Ptsd is about a specific thing she experienced. It’s not the same for everybody so maybe try talk to her.

  2. you could look up information on ptsd. however, she needs to communicate better. her mental health is not your responsibility to figure out how to accommodate.

  3. Is she getting professional support ?

    PTSD is serious and you are unlikely to be of any help without mental health professional support

  4. She really should speak to a trained professional if she isn’t already.

    From you she’ll just need patience and overall support. However if she’s going about it in a way that doesn’t work for you, need to remember that your needs have value too.

  5. PTSD is permanent, the only thing you can do as a boyfriend is support her emotionally. She can seek out professional help but they will only give her the skills to cope with it, PTSD does not go away even with decades of help

  6. As others have mentioned, I’d encourage you to do your own research into PTSD and gently encourage *her* to speak to a therapist if she isn’t already. The important piece here is not to put pressure on her, and to come to her with empathy and understanding— as someone who deals with PTSD, I can tell you that it sometimes feels like I want to talk about things but can’t, or like I’m afraid to open up. Everyone’s experience is different, but trying to pressure her into talking or questioning her on why she isn’t telling you things will only make her close up more. My advice is to let go of that need to know what’s going on, be patient and understanding, and let her come to you when she’s ready, IF she’s comfortable. There may be some things you’ll never know about her, and you need to decide whether you’re okay with that or not.

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