When was the last time someone looked at you with so much love it completely dismantled you?

  1. When I took my cat to the hospital to be put to sleep and was with him at that awful moment. He was already 21 years old and had almost all of his organs failing. I sat and looked at him and he looked at me with such love, and I cried. Worst day I’ve had in a while.

    I know you can’t get so attached to an animal, but damn this guy has been with me for 21 years, pretty much my entire conscious life.

  2. My gf asked me how she looked after getting dressed for date night last weekend. I actually couldn’t think of any words to say, I just looked at her up and down so many times and eventually we caught eyes. She recognized my astonishment and put her chin into her shoulder in a shy manner and diverted her eye contact, almost as if she could feel what I could have said while recognizing I wasn’t able to effectively communicate it. Completely nonverbal two-way communication. Walked back into the bedroom while briefly looking back at me and simply said, “Thank you.” I fucking melted into the chair and had a near spiritual experience while staring at the ceiling my guy, she’s the one.

  3. One of my English Bulldogs, Sherman, does this everyday
    He also waits at the top of the basement stairs for me every time I go down there (which is quite often throughout the day) and he waves his paw at me as I come back upstairs.

    Really gotta love my boy Sherman….just don’t tell my other boys Nigel and Sir Winston because they are super jealous.

  4. My husband. Everyday. I do not think of myself as a hot supermodel, but he sure makes me feel like one.

  5. Each morning when I kiss my daughter goodbye as I leave for work and when she wakes up, asks where I’m going and says “ok daddy, love you have a good day” and goes back to sleep

  6. So I just stared at this post for like 20 minutes contemplating my existence.

    Literally never, to answer your question.

  7. My Grandfather before he passed away. He was going to go to Portugal and move back there and the day before he died we had a family dinner together and before he left there was an instinct with me that I had to hug and hold him to say goodbye. We held each other for a solid 2 or 3 mins then looked at me and said that he loved me with all his heart and that he will always be proud of me and I knew he meant it. That was the last time I saw him alive. The next day my mom drove him to the airport they got there at 6pm and at 6:20pm he died in the middle of the airport due to cardic arrest. As much as 20 people were trying to save him but they said he was dead before he it the ground and he died alone at the airport without any of us around him. Today on Sept 15th will be the 1 yr of his passing and to this day I am lucky enough to have said goodbye to him the way I did because the last thing I remember of him is the way he looked at me before he left as if to say that I will see you in the next life grandson and I know that you will be the best of us. I miss him everyday and to this day his look stays as my core guide but also dismantles me emotionally because I just wish I was given more time with him but that’s the way life works out

  8. At the end of August I was invited to a small event, there were 13 people, new people to me, I helped decorate the place a little with my christmas lights and also mixed some music that the group hadn’t played there in the previous years. Everyone said so many good things to me, they absolutely loved what I brought to the event. The beautiful thing is that they were impressed when I was just being myself, also it was a new group of people to me. During the second day I cried at 5 in the morning because I found self love through that experience. I can finally say with confidence that I’m a cool dude. I think I sat there for like an hour, tears came and went in waves, it was beautiful. I even had a tear as I wrote this comment, I rarely cry.

  9. My gf does this a lot, I’ll catch her just looking at me and i love it. Makes me feel very loved and comforted. Even after 8 years being together she still gives me the butterflies inside.

  10. 22 years ago. The night before my mom attempted to renew her wedding vows with my dad.

    She died 5 minutes before it was about to happen the next day.

  11. Last night, my boyfriend isn’t very well at the moment (he just got a new job and is working long hours into the night, he’s caught a cold I think) and so I went out to do some chores, I’ve recently redyed my hair back to brown cause I’ve had it loads of cool colours for the last few years but wanted a reset. Anyway I’d gotten dressed and stuff to go out and when I came back we had a cup of tea together and ended up chatting about when we got together 2 years ago and when we fell in love with each other, and he couldn’t stop smiling and staring at me, and so I asked him “what?” And he just kept smiling and then held my hands and told me how beautiful he thought I was, and that he’d never seen me with my natural hair and he really liked it. He told me the moment he remembers falling in love with me and idk It was such a nice moment cause we don’t really talk about that stuff often. Here we are 2 and a bit years later, we have a house together and just graduated together, things haven’t been better. He always compliments me, it was just the way he looked at me, gave me that electric feeling I got when we first met and I was just so happy :]

  12. My grandfather, the night before he passed away.

    I was around 11 years old back then, my grandfather was fighting cancer and the doctors had already informed my family that he wouldn’t make it. Being young, I wasn’t aware of this. His health deteriorated to a point where he couldn’t speak anymore, but the night before he passed away, he kept calling out my name, he probably wanted to see me one last time. He was at my uncle’s, so my dad took me to visit him the night before. He couldn’t speak, but held my hand and tears started rolling down his eyes as he looked at me. That was probably my moment.

    I couldn’t really understand what was happening though, I just thought he was sick and will recover soon. Next morning I go to school and come back and I’m immediately hurried away to my uncle’s house by my domestic help, I thought he wanted to see me again, turns out he passed away in the morning when I was at school.

    One of the toughest moments of my life. I had stayed with him since I was 3 months old. It was like I lost my actual father. I couldn’t connect with my parents for a long time after this since I never really had the chance to get close to them as I’d always be where my grandfather would be, a few months at my house, a few months at my uncle’s and so on.

    I just wish he lived longer, he was one person who was always proud of me and was always supportive of what I wanted. I miss him 😓

  13. This morning , when my 3yo girl woke up and I told her we were going swimming on our last day of vacation.

  14. Probably when my mum saw an amazing sunset through our front room window. The sunset colours made her eyes glisten. I just looked at her like wow I love you so much I can’t even comprehend it.

  15. Yesterday evening. I helped my gf with some of her work stuff. Basically drafted some emails for her because she couldn’t find the right words and she just kept staring at me with this eat you up look.

  16. My partner went out with a group of married women on a ladies night. She must have spent all night listening to how shit all the husbands were and she came home with a new appreciation for what she’s got. She looked at me differently the second she walked in the door (might have been the 7 double gins) and I knew I had done something really right… which I guess is not be a dick all the time? But yeah she went straight down to gobble town while I was part way through a game of Overwatch

  17. Well it’s adorable, he’s a labradoodle named Oberon. But I really can’t tell if it’s me of my chicken sandwich he’s looking at. But these puppy dog eyes will tear your soul apart they are so fucking cute.

    This is unfair, I should have picked an uglier dog. 🤣

  18. Once, an ex of mine and I were in a shower together and he looked at me in this… way… he was gazing into my soul with astonishment. He looked like he’d seen magic happen in real-time.

    I’m not used to stuff like that so I asked what was wrong… he cupped my jaw and kissed me under the hot water and my soul took flight.

    We ended up breaking up because he became abusive. Nobody has looked at me that way since… not even my current partner.

    Hey, so anyone else hate having good memories of abusive people? Makes recovery pretty hard.

  19. My six month old did it about 20 minutes ago. Ever since she was born I’ve been crying at the drop of a hat. She breathes cute, makes a small cute noise, sleeps, looks at me. Tears.

  20. I used to look at my ex like this. Only man I’ve ever looked at like that. If you have it, cherish it.

  21. Only person who I believe ever truly loved me is my father.

    The rest can piss off.

    He sent me some selfies the other day because I’m trying to set him up with my coworker and it hit me like a truck that he’s gotten old on me.

  22. I brought her to my hometown (12 hour drive away) to meet my friends and family. Was very excited because I’ve never felt this way about a partner before. Went to an arcade bar with some friends, she asked me to dance with her, so of course I did. After the song, she ran her hand on my face and looked deep into my eyes with this loving smile. Absolutely melted me. This just solidified the fact I was going to marry this women.

    We’ve been separated for over a year. Turns out I wasn’t the only one she had a lot of love for.

  23. Whenever my grandma sees me she clutches me by both arms and looks up at me (she’s like over a foot shorter than me), holds her face as close as she can to mine and says “I am SO proud of you”.

    Then she goes on to talk about how glad she is I’m not one of those people who takes a gun and shoots up a school. So yeah, she sets the bar REAL high.

  24. My mom was losing her fight against cancer. It got to her brain. She had lost the ability to communicate. There was only life left in one of her eyes. I had to get really close to her face for her to see me. But, it was like sunlight punching through storm clouds for a few moments. She saw me. She recognized me. She knew I was there. She was just happy to see her son.
    Remember kids, mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children.

  25. Last night. It’s broke both of us actually. My fiance broke down crying telling me how much she loves me and how much I mean to her. I still don’t understand why and I don’t think I ever will. I’m chunky, a nerd, really weird and still she loves me. I love her so much too, only 9 more days and we are going to be married, she is the most amazing thing to ever happen to me. I don’t deserve her.

  26. I know this is kinda lame/stupid but I’m a pet sitter for people and two of the dogs I watch regularly definitely look forward to seeing me with the same excitement they’d have when their family comes home. I have a really hard time connecting with humans and find relationships with dogs a lot easier so this is significant to me. [Here they are](https://imgur.com/a/FppMOO6) – the brown one is really my soulmate. When she looks at me and cuddles with me I just crumble. She has to sit on me, has to be touching me, has to be near me at all times. She’s afraid to be left in unfamiliar places, or even familiar places sometimes, so when I watch her she comes everywhere with me. I love it. Her love is healing.

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