I just moved 14 hours away from my hometown for college! My boyfriend is moving in with me also 14 hours away from his home in two weeks. He’s leaving everything to be with me. I want him to feel at home in our new apartment. I already have some of his stuff unpacked and his favorite candle waiting for him. I want him to feel loved and appreciated. I also want to make sure he knows this place is going to his home as much as it is mine. How do I make him feel more at home?

TL;DR How do I make my boyfriend feel more at home after moving 14 hours away from home?

  1. Just the fact that this is on your mind tells me you have nothing to worry about. Maybe make him his favorite meal? Be respectful of the fact that when he arrives, your the only person he’s going to know, assuming you’ve made friends in the new city and be cognizant of that.

  2. By ensuring he is allocated 50% of your storage space, takes on 50% of the work involved in running the household, and fully including him in any decisions about decor, furniture, bedding, and guests &c.

    Basically, instead of thinking of the situation as your wanting to know how to make him happy in your home, think of it as how you can both make each other happy in a home that you both happen to share.

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