Look, I’m just a lil annoyed nowadays. Women around me are always serious. They never laugh at my jokes, not even a smile. I’ve been told I’m a very “nice guy”, whatever tf that means. I’m sick of hearing that. I guess it’s because i give pretty good advice sometimes, and most people feel that they can confide in me/talk to me about stuff easily (it’s been like that since i was young)

So yea, i’m just really confused. Women will laugh around other guys, but just not me. I never did anything wrong, never looked at any of em wrongly, like literally nothing. I’m normal, like any other guy. But i can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong with me. All i can think of is that, maybe i’m just not funny. Maybe i’m boring.

But then again, when i’m in a group/class, i make everyone laugh sometimes. So its really confusing.

For example, at my workplace. There’s a few women here. When they’re around me, theres no fun conversations. No laughter, even when i make jokes (and i make alot). But around my other male colleagues, gawddamn i swear there be hyenas up in here. I dont know whats goin on. Maybe i’m just lookin too deep into this, cos there are some women whom i get along with really well, and they like me alot.
So, any advice on why women are so different/bored around me?

  1. Yea I’d say you’re looking into it too much. It’s most likely your personality or they don’t like your style of humour or they can’t feel comfortable around you to laugh…

  2. Women are not a monolith. Some women will like you, some will not. We’re allowed to have preferences.

    The women you work with might think you’re trying too hard.

  3. They don’t find you attractive and do not want to give the impression they are flirting with you. Or you did something offensive.

    Are you on the spectrum? you may rub people the wrong way and cause others to pull away.

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