I hate being 4’8 as a male, I have a thyroid condition and stopped growing in 5th grade, I’m 20 years old. is this a issue when finding friends or jobs?

  1. A problem for friends is likely. Jobs likely not, but if you’re being discriminated against because of your height, that job is bullshit.

  2. Jobs? Yes. Friends? No. I work in a warehouse and certain items are set to certain heights. The company may say they don’t discriminate but they do

  3. In all honestly, probably yes. Best you can do is get really good at something that pays well and people need.

  4. *Anyone who would turn you down as a friend, strictly because of your height and a problem you have no control of. Is not worth calling your friend in the first place.*

  5. If you can just lift weights, being short gives you leverage when doing deadlifts, after a bit of training you will be getting ahead of taller guys

  6. Nah I have a friend who’s 4’11 funniest fucker I know always looking out for everyone and just great to be around but yeah if you don’t get a job because of your height then that’s discrimination unless the job demands certain physical attributes

  7. Nah man. As a man, I’ve never considered my friends height as any factor in how cool that person is. As for a job, that’s not a thing they care about in my experience.

  8. If you have a chip on your shoulder about it sure, it just least does not give other people much to work with if you are pushing them away.

  9. when you hit like 25, people your age won’t give a shit how you dress or what you look like unless they have a chronic high school mentality.

  10. Depending on where and what kind of employment you are seeking, some could absolutely see the value in hiring someone who is the size you happen to be. Before he moved out of state, I worked with a dude at my company (building maintenance) who referred to himself as the world’s most advanced power tool.

    He was just under 5ft, and would do just about everything needed in attics or crawl spaces. My one advantage over him, I didn’t need a ladder for as many things as he did.

    I was 14 inches taller and a person & a half heavier. This guy ran circles around me all day long. I sought out his help more often than he came to me for anything.

  11. Honestly, I would 100% hire you as a cop assuming you had a good attitude, competent and physically fit. They will never see you coming/could really be an asset.

    You will likely have to work harder and get considerably stronger than those around you.

  12. Yes it’s going to be an uphill battle to get jobs and friends. More romantic partners than platonic friends.

    Jobs won’t be overly difficult as long as you can do it. However you will be slow laned for promotions and raises. You’ll always be seen as lesser.

    The only way to combat that is to not let it bother you. It’s fucked. Welcome to life.

  13. Lots of women and men like people who are shorter than them. In terms of jobs you should not get discriminated against for your height unless it is something that requires you to be tall or a certain height / weight like modeling or maybe some sort of construction work? Not sure. In terms of friends…Not sure you’d want to be friends with someone who would hate on you for being shorter. That seems like a terrible thing to do to someone so why befriend someone like that?

    I have tons of short friends and one of them is like 5’2 and he is a great guy. You shouldn’t have any issues finding people who like you as long as you’re good company and a good person

  14. Tbh why don’t you go on like websites for short people. They MUST be some out there. Make a friend group! Or just go make new friends doing hobbies you like.

    Just because your short doesn’t mean you can’t be a friend and have fun and do activities

  15. I’m 5’2 and 19 yrs old, I’m always the smallest of my friends or social groups no matter who I’m with, so I feel you. People aren’t rude enough to outright make fun of me for it, but it’s absolutely made it a lot harder for me to find friends. Fortunately I met a guy at work this year and we’re now very close and he’s never looked at me weird for being a short guy. I also got engaged back in February, to the most incredible woman who also happens to be 6′, so finding love wasn’t an issue either. Hang in there! Things will work out

  16. My shortest friend is 4’11”. My tallest is 6’8″. Height, gender, color of skin, ethnicity or country of origin are not criteria for friendship. Strength of character, sense of humor, compassion, intellect, things we hold in common. These are the criteria for friendship. Anybody worth being your friend will judge you on those criteria as opposed to your height or any other physical characteristic you may have. Best of luck and enjoy.

  17. Do you really want to be friends with the kind of people who wouldn’t be friends with someone because of their height? I don’t.

  18. With jobs, it allll depends on what you want to do? What’s your dream profession? I think it’s funny how a lot of the comments are saying yes jobs will be harder without actually asking you what you want to do before making that assumption.

    I’m sorry you’re feeling a little trapped about your physical appearance. Life throws us lemons, and it gets SOUR. however, your life is not over, nor is it ever doomed. It really is on your attitude. Stay humble and stay positive, and whatever situation you’re in, you’ll overcome it.

  19. Dude, I have worked a very physical job with tiny people. Everytime, they felt insecure physically in comparison to their peers. Everytime we’d wave our radios and tap our helmets and say, “These are the real tools that matter and that will make your career”. I encouraged them to realize the best career choices depend on what not physical.

    Your short, so what? You live in a society were you can make more money with your brain than anything else. At 20 you have a whole decade to find what you are passionate about intellectually and the time to go to school and pursue it. A stable, intellectually satisfying and lucrative career will make a good life. A good life will make you a pleasant person. Being a pleasant person will attract friends.

    The trick is to explore how to use what you do have to build a good life. Too many people avoid building on their strengths and, instead, wallow in their weaknesses. It’s you choice to see past your height and look to your future.

  20. Depend, a job in sales is different from programming or accounting.

    As for friends probably not assuming you can take an occasional joke.

  21. I knew a guy who was in software development that was around that height. He owned it, made jokes, and was a very charismatic guy. He did well for himself and his wife was absolutely gorgeous.

  22. If I were in your shoes I would basically make Peter Dinklage my role model. He’s 3 inches shorter than you and everyone loves that man

  23. I would say no to both, but with the caveat of I am sure you will run into idiots that will. I am on the other side of the height spectrum, and frankly I have never once judged someone solely from height. It is completely out of your control.

  24. Just own it bro. More time you spend worrying about physical or any perceived flaws is time wasted. I kniw its easier said than done. But thats crucks of the truth

  25. Nah, I’m 5’4 and all of my friends are 5’10 and above. The good thing about being a dude is that we rarely just keep people around us who make us look good and in my much younger days they were willing to protect me from anyone acting up.

    I also work in an office and had a young colleague fresh out of school who was 4’11 a few years ago. He transferred to another department and I think he’s on double my salary now (he has a more important job than mine now). As long as you’re cool as fuck, you’ll have no problems my man!

  26. Hey guys. As a fellow short male (5’2) I hear alot of people here speaking about there short friends and not being short them selves….

    I don’t think any one who hasn’t had to live through the struggles of bring a short male should be giving an opinion….

    On top of being a vertically challenged male I also had Tourette’s syndrome….. If I didn’t stand out already. Me yelling and making funny sounds sure didn’t help? Lol.

    20’s was very very tough. Most young men then were full of testosterone and trying to show how tough they all were as they too had low self esteem in there 20’s. And sorry ladies but most ladies were very shallow about dating short men. It can be very tough and deflating at times to a young male in his 20s.

    I have had harrassment from strangers.
    Co workers. Teachers. Bosses. People you wouldn’t think in there position would be behaving that way. It is the one physical defect that is still commonly allowed to make fun of in our society. It’s in all the movies And you see it in tv shows when they joke /treat the short male characters about there height

    Alot of people would automatically think I couldn’t do something due to my height or I wasn’t good enough? We have to push so much harder to prove to everyone what we are capable of And in the end we usually become more successful then others as we are used to fighting hard to show or worth through work.

    I have struggle alot over this issue and it took a few years of counselling to help me accept the issue and learn to put proper boundaries of how I will allow my self to get treated by others. also once I got older like into my 30’s it wasn’t so much of an issue anymore also.

    Now I go through out my day with no issues. I look good. Dress sharp and now have the confidence I didn’t have back then – that’s what people like to see . I often have ladies flirting with me and checking me out.

    I found a sexy lady who was the same height as me. We are married now 15 yrs. Have two great kids and we are both very successful in real estate industry. I am living such a great life i would have never thought we would be.

    So my friend. I don’t wish to be in my 20s again , that was tough. But you will get through it and you will be stronger for it.

    if only you take care off your self. Get counselling if you need help. Treat your self with respect and let other know how you will be treated. I wrote a quote back when I was in my 20’s I hope will help you

    ” When ever it’s cloudy up above, remember it’s always Sunny above the clouds!”

    Your sunny day will come eventually my friend !

  27. There’s a lot of positivity here, which is great, but don’t become blind due to it. You likely are going to get shit for it, you’ll find women who won’t be interested, and all that. You’re going to have to be ready to take some of it, push through and you will find that good. You can’t write off anyone that makes a short joke, if you do then you will find yourself a lot more lonely then someone who can take a joke and laugh it off.

  28. It should not remotely be an issue in finding friends or jobs. Finding a girlfriend will be more difficult, but also not impossible if you max out your success in other areas.

  29. I had a great friend that was around your height (closer to 4’6”). It never stopped him from doing anything he wanted to do.

    He had a form of dwarfism; his limbs were proportional to his body, but bone growth mostly stopped around puberty because of a genetic disorder.

    Anyhow… he was always the life of the party, had no problem making a great group of friends, had a great job as a mechanic/ fleet manager at a main hub for Penske Trucks and was always popular with the ladies.

    I’m writing this partly to tell you that your height doesn’t need to dictate your life, but also because he was killed in a motorcycle accident this year and I miss that guy every day. He lived a great life.

    He was a fucking inspiration exactly because he never felt that he had to overcome his height. I’m sure he quietly struggled with it in his teens, but he lived a full life and his height was never an issue.

    He had a lot of other things to overcome in life as well. I know that if he could do it, you can too.

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