Why are there so many posts about things to do/try before age 30?

  1. It’s reddit, which means a sizable chunk of the userbase is 27 year old basement dwellers who feel like life is passing them by and are getting increasingly concerned watching their peers get married and buy houses on social media.

  2. Because younger generations are feeling more and more lost
    Times gone by you’d just go and try/do things because you had no idea what to expect – now you can see it all on social media.

  3. People seem to think that life ends at 30. I feel like I’ve been having the time of my life in my late 30’s. 30 is a pretty arbitrary number.

  4. For a lot of people on reddit 30 is the dividing line between young and dinosaur. Gotta do all that important stuff before your life and career ends, you know?

  5. Because people think that at 30 you are supposed to be an adult.

    in your 20s its your ‘party’ stage. you can get drunk, people don’t have kids, dont understand consequences for their actions, have low responsibility for nearly everything in life.

    Plus like social media lies to you and you get FOMO.

  6. I wish I had asked more questions to older men when I was that age. Some things require time to accomplish. Some things mean less to you when you are older.

    Keep asking. Better yet, find a mentor(s).

  7. People around their 30’s are still the dominant group on here. Pretty sure a solid 60% of the users in the sub are men from USA, probably 75% if you expand that to include UK as well.

  8. Reddit is weird and acts like when you hit 30 your body falls apart and you can no longer leave the house or accomplish anything lol.

  9. A lot of people start having families in their 30s, and you don’t have near as much freedom when you have kids.

  10. Because this is reddit, a dungeon with lots and lots of porn addict, video game addict dudes in their mid 20s who are seeing their youth pass them by, and they haven’t had any fun yet.

  11. The “do X by 30” thing feels like a meme, although I have noticed that people tend to start becoming set in their ways in their 30s, so if there are lifestyle choices you want to / should make, I think it’s a good idea to tackle them sooner than later.

  12. Social construct, there’s certain milestones and life events that people celebrate. Like at 18 you can drink, at 21 American kids can drink, after that you have to sort your shit out and have kids and a house by 30 because after 30 you die.

    It’s weird, I somehow grew up without a fear of aging so I’d have to pretend I got why everyone was saying oh no the big 30.

  13. Best guess is people have a birthday/some other event happen and start to panic and feel they are wasting their life but don’t have a list of feasable aspirations to try and complete so, unsurprisingly, they come here and take suggestions from internet strangers.

  14. Let’s get real, I’m close to 30 and I can actually feel things changing. Health is good, but not as it was when 20. I’m not a young specialist from career standpoint as well anymore. Friends are creating families, so they’re disappearing from your circle. Day to day life becomes an extreme routine – job, daily duties, exercising and etc. If you want to have a family, you need to do it in next 5 years, or things might get complicated. Etc etc…

  15. At 45, there’s nothing that I *can’t* do that my 20 yr old self could have. The difference is I have more to lose, so I wont.

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