There is some backstory here- my ex and I met in school in one country, and when I moved elsewhere we dated for 4 years, mostly long distance, when I was in high school/college. We broke up and didn’t speak for almost six years before reconnecting on instagram in April.

When we first started talking, we would reply quickly and often and if we were ever on the phone, we would speak for quite a while. We’re really different people now and getting to know him again has been really great! Our relationship has been friendly but very flirty, as he’s someone I’m comfortable being that way with.

I was visiting my family this past month in the country we first met, and he was there at the same time. We ended up seeing each other fairly regularly and sleeping together over my trip. He mentioned coming to visit me where I live sometime this year as well- which is a big deal as he runs his own business and is really busy.

However now that I’m back where I live, things have changed a little (it seems like to me- I do tend to overthink things). He doesn’t reply as often (previously would be within a day- maybe 2 at most, now is between 2 and 3 days) and when I brought up the potential visit he was very non-committal.

I do like him a lot, and while we both agreed that long distance isn’t something we want right now, I miss speaking to him and our flirty dynamic. I’m inclined to mention that things seem different and I’d like to go back to the way they were before.

What should I do?

(Apologize in advance for any formatting/spelling errors, I’m on mobile)

1 comment
  1. You both are exes for a reason. You’d be better served to stop treating this like you’re getting back together.

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