Sadly I have several, but the one that I can say likely tops it off is this one.
I was 19 dating a 28 year old with a record. He lived at his mom’s house and had no bed (stupid me didn’t care). We were going out one night and he offered to fill my tank up, which was a pleasant surprise because I always paid for everything (again, stupid me). So he pulls out a wallet and said he found it on the ground and was going to use the credit card inside. At first I’m like wtf? I take a peek at the driver’s license and see it’s HIS address. Y’all, he stole his mom’s wallet and was going to take me out with whatever cash and cards she had in it. I don’t even remember what happened after that (it’s been 12 years) but I’m so glad I finally opened my eyes and dumped him.

  1. So my best friend met a girl on Tinder a while back. She messaged first, was really flirty, and invited him over for sex on the first date.

    Two weeks later, she messages him saying she’s pregnant, he’s the father, and she’s keeping it. She swears on the life of her unborn child that she was on birth control, and that no one else could be the father.

    She then uses the baby to subtly blackmail him into quitting college, getting a job and moving in with her. She gave him a specific day that he had to move in. That same day, at midnight, she suddenly produces a letter from bailiffs saying they are coming round her house at 8am the next morning to re-possess $5000 worth of assets due to a court order for her unpaid debts. My friend has to empty his bank account to pay her debts off to prevent all his things being repossessed.

    He breaks up with her. She threatens to kill herself again and their baby unless he moves back in with her the next day. Fearing for the life of his child he’s agrees. The women then abuses and blackmails him further into giving her more money which he has to borrow from his parents. This abuse carries on for 5 more months until my friend is also on the verge of suicide. He calls me every day sobbing down the phone, telling me he just doesn’t know what to do, and fearing that at any moment this women could kill herself and his unborn child. Around this time he also discovers that she has several other children which were all taken away from her by CPS due to her being a complete psycho. She was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, which is what Amber Heard was also diagnosed with.

    The baby is finally born, and taken away by CPS on it’s first day. My friend gets a DNA test immediately and finds out the baby is not his. Me and my friend confront the women, who claims she was raped. We both know its a lie.

    We move his things out. She continues to stalk him for months. She finds a new boyfriend within a week on Tinder, a massive thug of dude, tells him that me and my friend beat her up, and I get a load of death threats from her new boyfriend. I report him to the police.

    The baby was put up for adoption by CPS. She was apparently pregnant again within a few months, with the new dudes baby.

  2. My ex always complained about my Subaru STI’s anti-lag system and how loud it is, such a shame that she’s super uncultured. #subiegang4L *hits vape*

  3. Where do I begin . My ex beat the crap out of me multiple times. Gave me a concussion twice and permanent ear damage . Isolated me from my family . Took money from me to buy drugs and alcohol. Forced me to have an abortion. Emotionally cheated , he denies ever physically cheating . Threatened to kill himself, his whole family , me , and my family . Got me pregnant waited till I was 17 weeks pregnant (we had just seen our baby for the first time on an ultrasound) to blow up and try to kill himself again on a YouTube stream . Yes I know I’m dumb for trusting him , trust me I learned my lesson .

  4. Didn’t help around the house, couldn’t keep a job, wouldn’t get a job, and then refused to move out after I broke things off. Manipulative and gaslighting.

  5. I was very young and naive when I found my ex bf when I turned 16 years.

    He was nice at first and then the first problems started. For many ppl out here these wouldn’t be problems, but for me it was hell.
    I found out, when we already dated for 2 months he saved a half nude of a woman on Instagram. I confronted him after seeing it when he accidentally opened his Instagram. He lied and said it was for a friend. I cried because I consider it cheating in a relationship. He didn’t apologise!
    I thought maybe he learned from it, I told him that i don’t like stuff like this, but well he stopped with the nudes months after that… YEP MONTHS.
    Then there was a girl he was friends with. It was good and I was happy for them, but He never told me when they hung out. And then I confronted him again, he told me she’s just like a sister, but I explained that he broke my trust and he needs to get it back.
    He never tried. We were together almost 3 years and he never tried to understand me. When I did something with boys, he went furious and demanded the things I have wanted from him.

    Oh and I have lived by my parents at that time and my father is a pure narcissist, ruined my life etc. My ex bf shouted once at me, after he wanted to go to a party rather than taking me with him or help me get out of my parents house: “Nowadays it’s normal that your dad is like that. So why should I care then”

    And then when he followed nude models on Instagram at the end of our relationship he says: “I don’t care that it hurts you, I only support them and want to have a photoshoot with them” only girls by the way, never boys.

    Always he put new friends like girls over my feelings or situations. When I felt like my bladder explode when i had a cystitis he didn’t even wanted to be near me and wanted to be there for everyone else.

    He turned me into a crazy and jealous woman, and I hate myself for that. I am so happy he’s gone.

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