Well, yes, covid is obviously still out there, but I’m curious to hear how everyone is handling daily business where you are. Is everything back to normal or do people wear masks, social distance, etc.

Curious since I spoke to a friend today and it seemed our local regions had contrasting measures for prevention and hope to hear more!

  1. Things around here have been pretty much back to normal for quite a while. Very, very few are masking, and the reported COVID death rate is tiny. I think the last such death was over a month ago.

  2. Everything is pretty much back to normal here. Honestly, I always lived my life as I always did…except I wore a mask when it was required. I still went to restaurants, movies, etc…

  3. It’s pretty relaxed in San Diego nowadays. The most recent omicron wave has passed, most locals only wear a mask in crowded confined spaces (like airplanes).

  4. Things were back to normal in my state almost 2 years ago. Florida locked down for like 2 or 3 months, but even then we didn’t *lock down* lock down like some states did.

    I think the last time I wore a mask was October of 2020, and that was because airlines still required them then. I don’t remember the last time I saw someone else wearing one, though you do see it every once in a blue moon.

  5. We stopped wearing masks at work on Monday. Still have to wear them while walking around but i can sit at my computer maskless and it’s glorious! Also realized that i never knew what many of my coworkers looked like

  6. Things are pretty much back to normal here in Michigan. There are a couple of lingering covid-related practices hanging around. My doctor’s office still requires wearing a mask when you go. And my kids’ school is still alerting people when there are covid cases. That’s all I can think of that’s any sort of “official” covid measures.

    Most people are behaving like the pandemic is over. They’ve more or less returned to their normal activities without any changes in behavior or restrictions. There’s a small minority who are still taking additional precautions. It’s not a lot of people, but it’s not unheard of to see someone in a mask when out in public.

  7. All of the covid culture has been over in this area for a while. Even when Shitcago locked down the state, this are stayed open and I haven’t wore a mask in at least a year and a half

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