Looking for some opinions on how people successfully exercise in the afternoon.

Basically, I play football and cricket at weekends, both of which start at around 2pm. This is by far my worst time of day for just general mental and physical performance.

For example, sometimes I play 10am kick-offs at football and feel amazing, but for 2pm’s I feel sluggish and mentally foggy.

I have tried so many different diets and nothing seems to hit right.

At the minute I am going with:

\- A very big meal the night before (c. 1500-1800 calories)

\- Around 10am on game day I have toast or eggs on toast

\- 1pm banana and/or lucozade


Any experiences of people who have solved similar issues would be grand!

  1. Pre-workout drink. Not just ‘a drink, before the workout’, but an actual specialised pre-workout drink which’ll have BCAAs and caffeine and all sorts of other things.

  2. I eat everything I want, and I either have 2 little 15 min walks in morning and afternoon and 20-30 min in the evening or I have an hour long walk in the evening usually around 6-7pm through my local woods as it’s quiet during that time.

    I also tend to eat little and often during day and a regular meal in evening. I don’t put on weight I just maintain current weight.

  3. I tend to do a 15-20km run around 5:30-6 after work so I tend to have a big lunch (8-900 calories) at 1ish then a bar (130-200 calories) about an hour before running and feel pretty good.

    Personally I wouldn’t have the massive meal the night before if you’re not going until 2. Just a bigger breakfast and then maybe small snack at 12-1.

  4. I’d quit with all the diets and shit and just eat 3 solid meals a day and get enough sleep

  5. Not the best diet but

    Gym in the morning at 6:00 till 7 or 8
    Arms for an hour and I can walk for hours so I’ll do as much depending on how busy my day is

    Get home and if it’s a day off work I’ll walk the dog immediately, if it’s a work day then I’ll walk him when I get home, about 1 hour and a half walk

    When I get home, my usual diet is chicken and rice so I’ll stick to that, if I feel like snacking there’s fruit or low calorie dried sweetcorn snacks and I only drink water or hot drinks

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