My girlfriend and I have the most perfect relationship imaginable. We live together. Are each others absolute bestfriends. We can do everything together. Trust each other. She told me she doesn’t have a single bone in her body that doesn’t trust me.. I trust her. But I don’t trust other men.. anyways I am very insecure because I’ve never been good enough for anybody. Everyone always found someone better. But for the first time in my life I actually feel like this girl loves me more than anybody else ever has. She cries almost daily when she tells me how much I mean to her.. but from my past experiences I am still very insecure. She doesn’t even text or talk to other guys but if a guy messages her I get very insecure. (Only happened like twice) Even if she doesn’t reply or she just responds once or twice and that’s it. They don’t even have to be flirting with her. I hate hate hate it! I dont want to be like this. Especially about someone who has never done anything to make me think otherwise about her.. I try my best to not let it show… she also works with the public and she tells me at least 3 times a week that she keeps getting hit on (she’s very beautiful) and that bothers me. She usually laughs and tells me how it happens etc but deep down it bothers me. Like what if one day one of these guys catches her eye… my insecurities are eating me alive and I just wanna know how to stop being like this. I’ve been contemplating going to therapy possibly..

1 comment
  1. As you have suggested, therapy would help.

    You just need to realize that this is something outside of your control.

    At the end of the day, she is choosing to be with YOU.

    You just need to realize how great of a woman she is… She gets all this attention which is unwelcomed and after it all finds comfort with you.

    It’s just life unfortunately and what it’s like to be a woman.

    Just make sure you two maintain open communication.

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