Maybe ‘imbalance of power’ might not be the best way to put it but idk how else to explain it.

When one partner in a relationship is significantly more attractive than the other, there tends to be this imbalance of power dynamics within the relationship. Perhaps the less attractive one would need to put in more effort in other areas, or perhaps they have something else to compensate?

  1. So you’re saying you base relationships on attractiveness? Not on how much you care for one another or love each other? Because if you did, the fact one may or may not be more attractive wouldn’t matter…this is an extremely shallow post

  2. What power imbalance? Physical appearance may catch our eye but it certainly won’t keep us. If there isn’t a balance that isn’t relatively equal then it never works and hopefully I got laid before I ended it or pushed her to.

  3. Beauty is nice – very nice, but by itself it isn’t to be trusted. You need to grock the person.

  4. Attractiveness can be more than looks, especially in longer term serious relationships. If there is an imbalance between the two people and one can easily do better, then eventually they will IMO.

  5. By being the bread winner.

    No but in all seriousness man it sounds more like personal insecurity rather than imbalance of power. My girl and I could both go on to find attractive mates, we choose to be together instead, that’s how a relationship works.

  6. Almost always there is a reason the one is with the other. Very rarely do you see someone really hot with someone not regardless of gender.

  7. The premise is ridiculous. You presuppose that attractiveness is proportional to the amount of effort in the relationship. If you feel that there is an imbalance, that’s not a good relationship

  8. do you update the clause in your relationship if one of you gets a haircut or gains about 7 pounds?

  9. You dont. Simply put u form expectations of whats fair in the relationship and if the other cant respect that dont stay.

    Am as attractive? No. Do i care? no. If she wants to leverage that it wouldnt go well.

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