I have always wondered, people working in banks. Is it possible for you to simply type in someone’s name and see their financial information?

  1. Well of course they can,

    What you would hope is that there’s an audit trail for, When, Where, How and Why a member of staff would do such a thing.

    Going off some of the banks I support, I am somewhat doubtful they’re sophisticated enough to monitor their staff.

  2. They can but everything is logged, you might end up getting bollocked if you don’t have a proper business reason for it

  3. Banks will lock down “high value” customers so their accounts need a password to access. So a bored bank clerk in Doncaster can’t look up David Beckham’s account and snoop around.

  4. Just finished working for a bank. Yes of course we can see your financial history. Lots of customers call us for it. Does anybody bother? No. We speak to people all day and see their details, it is boring.

  5. Once I moved to a role that isn’t customer facing I have no access to customers details.

  6. I’d be more worried about what GCHQ can see about you rather than the 20 quid you spent in Dominos last Tuesday evening and the subscription to knicker sniffers monthly magazine.

  7. I’d expect that they can, yes. But I also expect there are detailed audit logs and you would be fired/in serious trouble for accessing an account without a valid reason.

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