What jobs are surprisingly easy/stress free that still pay a decent wage?

  1. Dude I struggle with this shit myself

    I here being a security guard is pretty easy and decent pay

    The issue is the whole manager/supervisor bullcrap

    They’re basically paid to keep people on edge and keep people always “productive”

    Thats why everyone keeps quiting their jobs because every job is some asshole yelling at you about some shit you couldn’t give a fuck about only so they can fire you later on some bullshit

    The job system in America is basically built to fuck over the working class and now they want you to take the dick with a smile and that’s where they got me fucked up

    These jobs don’t value hard work, they value who ever can get on the higher ups good side

    They’ll let their little friends get away with everything while y’all at another guy for everything just because they don’t personally like that guy

    These companies do not give a fuck about us, they will toss your life away like it was just business

  2. Casino life is pretty good if you can handle the odd customer getting mad they lost from time to time

  3. I work in IT recruitment (I don’t know shit about IT myself. The most I have to use for my job is Microsoft Word), and I’m not rich by any means, but I get paid enough to pay rent in my city and live a little on the weekends.

  4. That depends entirely on what you find easy and stress free, doesn’t it?

    I get most stressed by boredom, so I look for jobs with excitement, variety and danger. I find those easy and stress free.

    I worked in an office, typing shit on a computer for six months and was nearly suicidal by the end of it. Pretending to care about the pointless bullshit and sitting on my arse indoors all day was the worst job I’ve ever done.

    So…what do *you* find easy? What do *you* find stress free?

  5. I work property Management.

    It’s fucking awesome.

    Worked construction 13 hr days from 18 to 33.

    Bout 30 I met a landlord (I know evil) that was about to move to Arizona and sell her property she couldn’t take care of. (This was 7 years ago).

    So I offer to do better than the corporate hell hole who even if they guarantee rent regardless of if it’s rented. I’ll do better.

    Anyway was great for her. Charged like 50 an hour did all my own fixes. Rented and do all work for.

    I take 15% of rent and charge 50 an hr for fixes or take 10% finders fee if I have to call someone cuz I can’t do it.

    This makes me way cheaper than the conglomerate types that do property management.

    So a side business with 1 client told a friend. It became (landlords talk to each other) 1 to the next. All of a sudden I had 5 with 7 building.

    I now quit my construction job. Make more and work 30 hrs a week except during emergencies

  6. garbage collector. It’s a pretty chill job and you can work nights which makes it even more chill.

  7. With a few caveats, software engineering. There are some horrific companies out there that will abuse the shit out of their devs, for example I would never work for a game company because the rate of bad ones in that industry is just so damn high. But then, on the other end of the spectrum, you have companies like mine. I work an average of 2 hours a day, because that is how long it takes me to do my job.

  8. I think it depends on what you find difficult and stressful.

    Most of what I do involves going to business conferences and networking then following up to work on a sale or business partnership. For me that’s easy and fun. For my wife it would be stressful and very difficult.

    If you’re just asking “what can I put minimal effort in and not worry about getting fired” I’d say do one of those inspection station jobs where you ask people if they’re carrying bananas across state lines or something. I had a friend who did that and he was getting $24/hr for what equated to telling people to have a nice day for 40 hours a week.

  9. This is really a YOU thing. Everyone has different tolerances for stress. Everyone has different talents and will find certain tasks easy where others find it difficult.

    I think my job is surprisingly easy and I get paid a lot of money to do it.

    All I do is break things and write reports.

    But I’m also a rocket scientist, so it’s easy for me. But maybe not for everyone .

    I would make a terrible salesman or customer service rep, but I’m great at crashing shit into things.

  10. Potentially security, although that has the massive caveat of it depends where you’re working. On the low end you are glorified receptionist or someone who keeps an eye on a building to make sure it doesn’t burn down overnight. Of course on the high end you’re armed

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