What would a perfect day for you be like?

  1. Get up, make a pot of black coffee, read the news and drink coffee for a few hours, while also getting my wake and bake on.

    Then I would gear up for a big hike, that would take about 4 or 5 hours. Continue smoking weed.

    Then I would get home, shower, and go meet my girlfriend for dinner. We’d both probably order Reuben sandwiches. Then we do what couples do after a dinner date, then fall asleep watching King of the Hill.

  2. Sex with as many gorgeous woman as I could before the day ran out, with breaks in between to find out that I won the lottery, to eat steaks and drink wine, and to see Earth from orbit.

  3. NSFW

    Like a really great game reveal trailer and two girls sucking my dick at the same time

    Than I spend the whole day fucking and playing video games while getting drunk and high and eating Chinese food

    Blizzard announcing the sequel to WoW

    New Twisted Metal in the works, for some reason it’s coming to PC (Idk)

    Oh fuck this is turning me on

    Team Fortress 3 with playable females *loud orgasm scream

  4. Waking up slowly and on my own accord and opening up my blinds and seeing a blue acqua ocean with the sun basking on me. Id like to eventually walk down to the beach and have a glass of wine while eating steak under the warm cooking of the sun then eventually meet my dominatrix and have a glorious night being owned by her in the bed.

  5. Get up, have breakfast, play airsoft during the day, get home and watch a movie while cuddling with a pile of beautiful women

  6. Peaceful

    No bad news

    Able to Sketch what’s in my head

    No headaches

    72 degrees light breeze

  7. Wake up, nice comfy morning sex with the wife, coffee while I read. Get a good workout in, grab some food. Go for a drive, finish the day with board games with friends, some bourbon, and round 2 with the wife.

  8. >wake up
    >eat great breakfast
    >go out to gym
    >come home and get ready for whatever big objective i need to complete
    >go downtown
    >meet people
    >learn something new
    >complete big objective
    >come back home to go to a dinner party
    >go home and do art
    >go to sleep

    I say that’s a pretty great day.

  9. Right now it would be:

    Decent breakfast in the morning

    Bit of mountain biking in the forest near my city.

    Some paintballing with friends preferably with some alcohol in us all and plenty of pain and laughs.

    Chill evening with a lady with dinner, some TV, more alcohol, and good sex.

    I would have no complaints. Perfect day.

  10. Get up, freshen up, corn flakes in breakfast ,going to work on my motorcycle, fresh weather outside, getting award at work followed by an evening party then 3 hour workout then sex with a colleague then sleeping for 14 hours while sucking on her boobs

  11. I would wake up to an already clean home. No dishes in the sink.

    I would have a light snack and go skating. I will come back and maybe take a nap.

    make lunch. Fuck around.

    Make some dinner. Dick around.

    Call it a night.

    zero employment would happen that day

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