TLDR: my friend and I ran into a girl by chance at our university and she told me how this girl had been a shitty roommate and kinda bullied her. Accidentally ran into the random girl and turns out she wasn’t even at the school when my friend was claiming things happened.

So my friend we’ll call Natalie of about two years and I were hanging out and talking with random people at a social event at our university. We ran into a girl we can call Claire who started to talk with me but ignored Natalie. When Claire left Natalie started to tell me how she was an old roommate who never would talk with her and in so many words basically bullied her. Basically making it sound like Claire was a shitty person.

So about a week passes and I go on my own to another social event on campus and run into Claire. She’s talking with a mutual friend of mine and I ask to join. In the conversation it comes up that Claire is a transfer student and was 300 miles away at the time Natalie was claiming she was being mean to her. I don’t say anything but just listen and talk more with her and she’s actually kinda a chill and nice girl.

So should I say something to one of them? Both of them? None of them? I already have a weird history with Natalie since I asked her out a while back and got turned down. So I’m not sure if saying something will come across as a petty reject or something.

  1. I don’t see the point in saying anything to “Claire”. She really has nothing to do with this. Any issue would be between you and “Natalie”. There is even a slight chance she may be mistaking the girl. I would just leave it honestly. Definitely keep an eye on any other discrepancies you catch Natalie in and decide if you want to continue being friends with them.

  2. Pronouns are confusing me, are you saying Natalie said two girls being a shitty roommate? Or one girl?

  3. Too much assumption of knowledge with too little knowledge.

    Yes, your idea that your friend made up some story about a stranger is possible. But also likely:’

    * Natalie mistook a stranger for Claire.
    * Natalie took offense to Claire in a way that Claire never recongnized.
    * Either are true and Claire has moved around.

    As for how to respond … guess it depends on your present and future with both people and their social circle. For one extreme, if Claire is someone who you you and Natalie will probably never interact with in the foreseeable future, tuck this in your mental notes about Natalie, but otherwise move on with your life. But at the other end, if Claire is your new girlfriend, time to say “Yo, Natalie (thanks for the sitcom reference opportunity), You were saying all this about Claire, but from what I’ve heard, she wasn’t at our Uni when these issues came up – is there something else going on?”

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