I’m talking about passionate, intimate love-making (if people even still call it that) like something out of a romance scene. What’s the overall experience like, before and after?

  1. I’ve only had sex with women I’ve found physically attractive but I’ve never been in love with them. I would also like to know

  2. If you find the right person it’s so much better than anything you see in a movie. You get lost in each other and lose all sense of time. If you’re really lucky you’ll find someone who is willing to work on improving the relationship over your years together, and sex will just get better and better and better.

  3. like you could die in that moment and you’d be good. ultimate bliss. love. passion. it can move you to tears (it has for me). i’ve been with my fiancé for 3.5 years and it still makes me cry sometimes cause we love each other so much and we’ve healed so many things by being together 💛 I hope you experience this !!

  4. U get nervous and all u think about is how she’s feeling. And it gets better and better over time

  5. It’s awesome. Knowing someone so intimately takes sex to new heights. It goes from being physically satisfying to emotionally fulfilling.

  6. It’s truly amazing. During its incredibly intense, the love you feel for them, and you can feel the love they feel for you. You feel it in every movement, every touch and sound. Time doesn’t exist anymore, nothing does, except for you and your partner. You feel safe. And afterwards..maybe kinda floaty, and happy, and warm, and loved. It really is the best.

  7. You get so comfortable with them over time you start to forget all your insecurities and anxieties.

    You remember their O face as if it was a gift from God. That cute way their entire facial structure and mannerisms just completely change for a moment when they completely lose themselves to bliss………… I can usually remember that face for weeks or months after. All because I kind of forget I exist and focus all my attention on her.

  8. It’s like being completely lost in your love and never wanting to be found. It’s like trying to fuse into the same person and almost succeeding

  9. It’s amazing. Satisfying and fulfilling on every level. The rest of the world seems to go away and it’s just the two of you connecting and becoming like one for a little bit. Feeding off each others pleasure.

  10. We sometimes can’t even put into words how it feels. We say things like, “I feel so close to you.” “It feels like our souls are touching.” It just feels beautiful, warm, and loving. Like you’re connecting on a completely different level. Afterwards I think we have a glow and ride the high for a while.

  11. Amazing. Being able to smile, laugh, and overall be comfortable with/at each other during foreplay, sex itself, and afterwards is the best feeling. Knowing that you won’t be judged, and simply enjoying each other’s presence is something that can’t be described unless you experience it yourself.

  12. If you have sex with someone you love then regular sex with no love becomes meaningless. You don’t even find it interesting.

  13. I absolutely cannot get enough of the deep connection and oneness that comes from having sex with my husband. It often feels other-worldly and we lose all sense of time and space and everything outside our own bodies. But even so I wouldn’t call it “romantic” or “lovemaking”.. things get pretty intense for us and we’re far from gentle. But for us it is perfect.

  14. It just keeps getting better… the more you learn about them, love them, every time you’re intimate, it just gets better all the time.

    I can’t imagine what could even be the appeal of anyone else, after we’ve spent all this time learning how to please each other and getting so damn good at it, the idea of going back to mediocre sex with someone I don’t care about… ugh, no. Its mind blowing, addictive, incredible.

  15. You feel the anticipation because you want that so much! And then during sex it’s as if your soul is melting and mixing with the other one, to be reshaped when you orgasm. And you sometimes don’t need words, just the eye connection says everything.

  16. I’m not sure but I keep telling my husband the best thing in our 16 year relationship is sex. Not sure if it’s because we are still in love or we are still in love because of the great sex 😂.

  17. To me it’s physical proof that heaven is indeed real because that’s as close to reaching it while still alive on this earth. And yes absolutely people still call it that. Yep there are times that I just want to fuck the hell out of my wife, but there are times that I do want to make love and the experience is transcendent.

  18. Sex is the ultimately fulfilment of someone you truly love. That experience lasts and builds the bond for the couple. Conversely, a one night stand, while could be exciting, is temporary and empty.

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